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Snuff/Chewing Tobacco

[Aug 10,2012 12:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
I haven't dipped in quite sometime, and yes I'm well aware of the long term side effects.

Anyways, Nickelback popped coller coworker left for lunch and left his Skoal on his desk. I did a pinch and fuck yea

Nicotene BBBUUUUUUUUZZZZZZZ. Great feeling, wakes me up more than coffee.

Anyone else dip or used to dip and chew? Way better than smoking, if you want an instant buzz.
[Aug 10,2012 12:55pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
never bothered to try it. turned off ever since watching the video in health case about the guy missing half his face from using it. probably an extreme case... but was effective none the less
[Aug 10,2012 12:58pm - arilliusbm ""]
My old man did it for at least 10 years and didn't have his jaw rot. But yea, I think it stained the teeth, etc.
they still got the spitune at the house.
[Aug 10,2012 12:59pm - arilliusbm ""]
I don't smoke cigarettes or anything (ocassionally a cigar or black n mild) and had this in my mouth for about 2 minutes.
I feel like I smoked a whole pack of cigarettes.
[Aug 10,2012 1:06pm - Ancient Master nli  ""]
started doing this in Norway. I got pretty into it, you dont have to spit, just take it all out once it starts leaking
[Aug 10,2012 1:07pm - trioxin245 ""]
only snuff is real.
[Aug 10,2012 1:11pm - Yeti ""]
[Aug 10,2012 1:14pm - arktouros ""]
pat does those SNUS sometimes. i'm all set with that. i do like a good nic buzz though, a good cigar is chill.
[Aug 10,2012 1:16pm - posbleak ""]
Dip never appealed to me, the drooling/spitting is too yucky for my taste. Snus was kind of OK. Cigarettes will always be my one great love
[Aug 10,2012 1:24pm - trioxin245 ""]
also, snuff is inhaled bro, chewing tobacco is different.
[Aug 10,2012 1:25pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 10,2012 1:25pm - Yeti ""]
snuff is what British aristocrats used in the 1800's.
[Aug 10,2012 1:26pm - Yeti ""]

arktouros said:pat does those SNUS sometimes. i'm all set with that. i do like a good nic buzz though, a good cigar is chill.

this. i do love a good cigar. i had a quality Dominican last year, it was excellent.
[Aug 10,2012 1:26pm - arilliusbm ""]
Snuff is porn.
[Aug 10,2012 1:27pm - Burnsy ""]
Fuck all this shit. I just quit smoking 3 days ago and I feel like the only remedy is to break faces.
[Aug 10,2012 1:29pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I've dabbled in snus but I'm not that crazy for it. A nice cigar or cigarillo does me just fine. No more cigarettes for me, they stay in the past.
[Aug 10,2012 1:30pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Wait, snuff is different than chew? Please explain physics of snuff.

[Aug 10,2012 1:31pm - trioxin245 ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:Wait, snuff is different than chew? Please explain physics of snuff.


you snort snuff.
[Aug 10,2012 1:33pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Wow I never knew that. I always just thought it was a synonym for chewin' tabacky.
[Aug 10,2012 1:36pm - Ancient Master nli  ""]
SNUS can be loose or portion packets as well, I prefer loose SNUS because its a bit more comfortable than the packet under your lip
[Aug 10,2012 1:37pm - Burnsy ""]
SNUS isn't snuff though.
[Aug 10,2012 1:46pm - Ancient Master nli  ""]
real snuff is snorted through the nose
"dip" is shit like Skoal and Grizzly
[Aug 10,2012 1:51pm - ABastard NLI  ""]

[Aug 10,2012 1:52pm - ABastard NLI  ""]

[Aug 10,2012 1:52pm - Will Spanner  ""]
Quit about 2 years ago, got to be too expensive. The buzz after the first few dips ruled though.
[Aug 10,2012 1:58pm - largefreakatzero ""]

Burnsy said:Fuck all this shit. I just quit smoking 3 days ago and I feel like the only remedy is to break faces.

First week sucks then it's not that bad.

I hate dip, but I love to smoke, though I am completely nicotine free now. Way stronger at gym without cigs.
[Aug 10,2012 2:39pm - arktouros ""]
burns, just smoke piles of weed.
[Aug 10,2012 2:46pm - Burnsy ""]
For health reasons, I can't smoke anything. Only edibles and/or oil in the foreseeable future for me.
[Aug 10,2012 2:47pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 10,2012 2:48pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Lungsy :[
[Aug 10,2012 2:48pm - Burnsy ""]
Ah, good idea. Didn't think of that.
[Aug 10,2012 3:15pm - Yeti ""]
vape made my lung problems far worse.
[Aug 10,2012 3:17pm - arilliusbm ""]
not mine. I need to get new accessories for the Volcano. I've got one and it's collecting dust. Might end up selling it.
[Aug 11,2012 1:10am - Hoser ""]
I dip Copenhagen. Been dipping for about 18 years now. I started with Kodiak, then went to Cope, then to Grizzle, now back to Cope.

Long cut straight...I hate the minty shit, burns the lip. My gums on my lower canines are receding pretty bad as of late...time to quit.
[Aug 11,2012 3:34pm - Snowden ""]
As a lifetime non-smoker, I've done snuff exactly one time: outside the Palladium with Frankie Stubbs from Leatherface. It was...okay.
[Aug 11,2012 3:40pm - trioxin_245 ""]
lol @ how much better VBE is than just about EVERY other so-called 'progressive' BM band.
[Aug 11,2012 3:41pm - trioxin_245 ""]

trioxin_245 said:lol @ how much better VBE is than just about EVERY other so-called 'progressive' BM band.

also, LOL @ me posting this in this thread instead of the VBE thread
[Aug 12,2012 4:56pm - Boozegood ""]
Cope Straight is the best (as in the "Cope" stuff that Copenhagen released that comes in a straight flavor and is a little more long cut). Skoal straight right this second though, as you can see from my super cool Every-Day-Cary picture for a different forum.


As far as chew goes, Levi Garrett by far:


So delicious, but chew really is shitty as far as strength goes, not nearly enough of a 'buzz' or nicotine satisfaction.
[Jan 9,2013 11:12am - arilliusbm ""]
Just bought a wooden pipe and some nice Dunhill pipe tobacco. Amazingly delicious.
[Jan 9,2013 11:27am - the_reverend ""]
I don't mind the smell of pipes/cigars, but this stuff is gross.
[Jun 4,2013 1:44pm - arilliusbm ""]
Rocking the Copenhagen at work. Already dizzy, had it in my mouth for 3 minutes. Total noob.

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