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[QUOTE="demondave:1316775"][FONT=Small] For anyone using iPhone or iPod: [/FONT] Make sure Lyric display is on, and cut and paste this playlist in the lyric tab. It will fit nicely [FONT=Medium]playlist 2012-08-13[/FONT] Band - Song - Album - Label 1. Ministry - Stigmata - Land of Rape and Honey - Warner Bros --------------------- **) - talkback 6:20 -------------------- 3. Livver - In Hell - Demo 2011 - self-released 4. Sideblast - Wrong Decision - Flight of a Moth - cyclone_empire 5. Shockwave - Revenge of Bruticus - the Ultimate Doom - Triple Crown 6. Enthroned - Deathammer - Obsidium - agonia 7. Borknagar - Epochalypse - Urd - centurymedia --------------------- **) - talkback 26:44 --------------------- 9. Darkness By Oath - Fallen Angel Of Death - Near Death Experience - metalblade 10. Dust Bolt - Shattered By Reality - Violent Demolition - napalm 11. Asphyx - Reign Of The Brute - Deathhammer - centurymedia 12. Vader - Flag Of Hate - Future Of The Past - spv --------------------- **) - talkback 43:00 -------------------- 14. Converge - Homewrecker - Jane Doe - eqv 15. Hail of Bullets - Tokyo Napalm Holocaust - On Divine Winds - metalblade 16. Beast (es) - Black Death - Trash Metal Propaganda - self-released 17. Nuclear - Architects Of War - Apatrida ep - self-released --------------------- **) - talkback 1:01:30 /61.49 -------------------- 19. Abnormality - Contaminating The Hive Mind - Contaminating The Hive Mind - sevared 20. Assault On The Living - Infection Of The Masses - demo - self-released 21. Necrovation - New Depths - Necrovation - agonia 22. Ave Maria - Shining Toxic - Chapter I - Ave Maria --------------------- **) - talkback 1:31:10 -------------------- 24. Angelus Apatrida - Blood On Snow - The Call - centurymedia 25. Evocation - Desolte Spirits - Evoked From Demonic Depths - The Early Years - centurymedia 26. Inverloch - Shadows Of The Flame - Dusk Subside - relapse 27. Ephel Duath - Stardust Rain - On Death And Cosmos - agonia --------------------- **) - talkback 1:56:07 -------------------- 29. Oddland - Aisle Of Array - The Treachery Of Senses - centurymedia 30. The Agonist - Anxious Darwinians - Prisoners - centurymedia 31. Architects UK - Daybreak - Daybreaker - centurymedia --------------------- **) - talkback 1.31.50 -------------------- 33. Heretic - Impulse - Various Artists - Metal Massacre VII - metalblade 34. Raven - Mind Over Metal - All For One - 35. Anthrax - Metal Thrashing Mad - The Greater Of Two Evils - sanctuary 36. Napalm Death - A Gag Reflex - Utilitarian - centurymedia 37. Pig Destroyer - Intimate Slavery - Prowler in the Yard - relapse 38. Benumb - What's Done Is Done - Benumb/Pigdestroyer Split - robotic_empire --------------------- **) - talkback 2:30:00 -------------------- 40. Cannibal Corpse - Mummified in Barbed Wire - Vile - metalblade 41. Dying Fetus - Subject To A Beating - Reign Supreme - relapse 42. Goratory - Total Eclispe Of The Fart - Orgasm Induced Diarrhea - self-released 43. Fastkill - Toxic Tormentor - Bestial Thrashing Bulldozer - pulverised 44. Punch - Planning Is Easy - How Nothing Lasts - --------------------- **) - talkback 2:50:46 -------------------- 46. Terrorizer - Fear of Napalm - World Downfall - earache 47. Hellhammer - Ready For A Slaughter - Demon Entrails - 48. Black Torment - Howling Wolves Summoning Countess Armies Without Human Heart Towards the Gates of Heaven - Satanic Holocaust - old_cemetery 49. Kommandant - Victory Through Intolerance - Promo 2012 - atmf 50. Author & Punisher - Terrorbird - Ursus Americanus - seventh_rule 51. Pitch Shifter - Bastardizer - Submit - earache --------------------- **) - talkback 3:16:00 -------------------- 53. Dark Passenger - Serpents Of Time - ep - self-released 54. Nile - Natural Liberation Of Fear Through The Ritual Deception Of Death - At The Gate Of Sethu - nuclearblast 55. Mercyful Fate - Satan's Fall - the Beginning - roadrunner 56. War - War - Various Artists - In Conspiracy With Satan: Tribute To Bathory - dwell --------------------- **) - talkback 3:42.30 -------------------- 58. Mystic Circle - One With The Antichrist - Infernal Satanic Verses - pavement 59. Sonic Pulse - Eye Of The Beerholder - Larger Than Life - self-released 60. Einsturzende Neubauten - Ein Stuhl in der Hoelle - Haus der Luege - rough_trade[/QUOTE]
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