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Vader Cabs Calls it Quits

[Aug 24,2012 8:15pm - Old News?  ""]
I have not been looking forward to making this statement but here it goes. After August 31st Vader Cabinets will be no more. I took a couple weeks of much needed time away to figure things out and really contemplate our future and it seems to be the only option that keeps coming back. There are a couple of reasons for my decision. First of all is obviously a poor economy but most of all, for those that don't know, I've been struggling with a spinal disease for the past 7 years that makes it hard to work day to day. This is one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make but I sincerely think it is for the best. It has truly been an HONOR meeting and working with so many AMAZING musicians and building strong relationships with some of the most talented guitar players in the world!! We will honor any orders taken untill August 31st and after that our site will be shut down. Thank you to all the loyal Vader Cabinet customers we've had over the years for all your support! Cheers!


[Aug 25,2012 8:03am - eye-gore ""]
ATTN: Fishcakes
[Aug 25,2012 8:06am - eye-gore ""]
too bad, pretty fucking killer cabs! hope his health im,proves either way :2HORNS:
[Aug 25,2012 10:50am - blue ""]
not that old, just got announced a couple days ago.

really blows though. they had been really getting a name out there for themselves. was going to be ordering a custom cab in a couple months too.
[Aug 25,2012 11:41am - Fake BLUE  ""]
I mean, I'm going to email him and see if I can buy the prototype of the guitar head they were about to market. Might be my retirement investment.

[Mar 6,2018 7:54pm - amitaia  ""]

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