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Oct.5th Zircon! K.C.'s Tap! +Special Guests

[Sep 22,2012 4:47am - ZirconAlmighty  ""]
Zircon is back more industrious then ever! Join us! Hail Zereth Ov Zircon! Eternal HailZ to the bands headlining and opening this show.. whoever that may be.. The race is on my envy.. the chase is on.. stand up ! My lust.. Be counted! Zircon is recruiting new soldiers to tour Europe with us.. It would be cool to have SeaX play this with us.. We are still Auditioning female bassists.. so far.. so good..


[Sep 22,2012 9:07pm - Thunderstool  ""]
Zircon and Seax? Biggest joke lineup ever!
[Sep 28,2012 3:13am - Scott#3  ""]
3 more bands needed. Contact Scott Wily here to get on show. http://www.facebook.com/scott.wily.1
[Sep 28,2012 9:29am - quintessence ""]
Actually show needed. Just call the mental hospital.
[Sep 28,2012 12:15pm - Zirconlrighty?  ""]
Just meet me at the gates ov Suzuki town with goatpunk boy catlethis fag! I am the true Ipsisamis! Pissed? Whats wrong with ur pitiful little band now? May my treacherous dragons breed fire in ur mind 4 all eternity fuck boy!
[Oct 2,2012 2:06pm - scottfromzircon ""]
I'm about to BloodSoaked this up..
[Oct 2,2012 4:22pm - socks n sandals black metal  ""]
[Oct 2,2012 5:29pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Thanks shitty troll, now i want a sandwich from Katz's
[Oct 3,2012 5:05pm - Scott Vitali Remains  ""]
[Oct 4,2012 8:07pm - Spider Man  ""]

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