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Ipsissimiss VS. Zircon

[Sep 30,2012 5:06am - SAMEFAGDETECTED  ""]
Thorns VS. Emperor:middlefinger::shocker::tmnt4::tmnt3::tmnt2::point::sctachy::itchy::krusty:>:]:bartmoon::NEWHORNS::skull::shocker:
[Sep 30,2012 5:12am - SAME7thFAGov a8th NIGerRatt  ""]
On the left we have Ipissed on miss.. hurley..
On the right we have Z4 pissed off about Wily's Zircock!
Fun Fun thread my Niggers!
[Sep 30,2012 11:59am - STALKER REMAINS  ""]

PSYCHO%20POLICE said:A restraining order isn't enough to make you leave her alone is it Scott??
[Oct 3,2012 5:09pm - Zircon Sucks!!!  ""]
Ipissamiss is way better then you niggers!
[Oct 3,2012 11:58pm - faggot detector  ""]
hey....both your bands are FAGGETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Oct 4,2012 6:19pm - scottfromzircon ""]

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