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Fire KEVORD as resident elitist.

[Oct 4,2012 5:33pm - VHS COLLECTOR  ""]
Last spotted in an argyle sweater at the Sole Proprietor in Worcester.
[Oct 4,2012 5:34pm - KEVORD ""]
Only elite signed in RTTP members can vote on these issues.
[Oct 4,2012 5:35pm - VHS COLLECTOR  ""]
I collect VHS. You know who I am.
[Oct 4,2012 5:36pm - Alx_Casket ""]

VHS%20COLLECTOR said:I'm not logged in. You know who I am.
[Oct 4,2012 5:49pm - obvious aril  ""]

Alx_Casket said:
VHS%20COLLECTOR said:I'm playing a prototype of Ultima on a graphing calculator. You know who I am.

[Oct 4,2012 6:11pm - scottfromzircon ""]
Resident Evil 5, 6


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