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betrayed by lol

[Nov 21,2012 8:00pm - xmikex ""]

[Nov 21,2012 8:03pm - KEVORD ""]
Is that a dude from the band Betrayed by all?
[Nov 21,2012 8:05pm - xmikex ""]
No. It's some guy the singer knows who got a tattoo with the name of our band on his head... apparently recently.
[Nov 21,2012 8:09pm - KEVORD ""]
Then that's the worst tattoo ever.
[Nov 21,2012 8:31pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
[Nov 21,2012 8:33pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Classic Massachusetts font too.
[Nov 21,2012 8:37pm - crack up job  ""]
[Nov 21,2012 8:40pm - Wastewoooood  ""]
Tommy dice is gonna get division of hate tatted on his head just to show how hard he is.
[Nov 21,2012 9:51pm - Boozegood ""]
Head tattoos are lame.
[Nov 21,2012 9:59pm - Dankill  ""]
[Nov 21,2012 10:45pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Same thing.


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