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Cryptopsy in RI july 18th

[Jun 26,2004 8:46am - handinjury ""]
Yeah this is cool shit, cryptopsy will be playing the drum benifit:

a couple songs and then flo will do a drum solo.
lord worm is back. and dont forget Derek Roddy also.
july 18th bitches!!!!!
[Jun 26,2004 4:12pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
NICE! but fuck lord worm
[Jun 27,2004 12:57am - cdan ""]
attendmyrequiem said:NICE! but fuck lord worm

i'm gonna pretend you didn't just say that.
[Jun 27,2004 8:26am - handinjury ""]
attendmyrequiem said:NICE! but fuck lord worm

Fuck you,:doublehorns: cryptopsy deserves to have a real growler not some hardcore sounding dude.
[Jun 27,2004 1:01pm - BornSoVile ""]
ok guy.
this should be a memorable event!
[Jun 29,2004 12:04pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm pretty sure I'm there.
[Jun 29,2004 12:07pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Jun 29,2004 4:02pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
cdan said:attendmyrequiem said:NICE! but fuck lord worm

i'm gonna pretend you didn't just say that.

you seriously think lord worms grunts are going to hold up on the newest cryptopsy material? I like him on the old cds, but those cds aren't very memorable to me. Whisper and ...And Then have amazing everything and the vocalist fits in with that sound very well. Lord Worm's constant grunting will not do technical metal any justice.

Plus isn't it Worm that doesn't want to play the newer material because he didn't take part in writing it? That's sad because that is some of the best song writing in metal to date. I really don't want to go see Cryptopsy play old material. I have a feeling he might be leading them in the wrong direction with the new CD too.
[Jun 29,2004 4:22pm - RustedAngel ""]
i want to go to this, but i'm not sure if i can yet.
[Jun 29,2004 5:46pm - handinjury ""]
attendmyrequiem said:cdan said:attendmyrequiem said:NICE! but fuck lord worm

i'm gonna pretend you didn't just say that.

you seriously think lord worms grunts are going to hold up on the newest cryptopsy material? I like him on the old cds, but those cds aren't very memorable to me. Whisper and ...And Then have amazing everything and the vocalist fits in with that sound very well. Lord Worm's constant grunting will not do technical metal any justice.

Plus isn't it Worm that doesn't want to play the newer material because he didn't take part in writing it? That's sad because that is some of the best song writing in metal to date. I really don't want to go see Cryptopsy play old material. I have a feeling he might be leading them in the wrong direction with the new CD too.

I think he will do fine. Everybody knows that none so vile is a DM classic.
I dont think 1 person can lead cryptopsy "in the wrong direction". With their status they could get anybody to do vokills, im sure theres a reason why worm is back.
[Jun 29,2004 8:38pm - the_reverend ""]
I guess I have to get permission from every single artist to shoot them.
if I get in touch with flo/roddy I'm there.
[Jun 30,2004 6:10pm - retzam ""]
whoa!! did you talk to Worm Rev?

Yeah, I heard about this a month or so ago, I'm there.
[Jul 2,2004 12:28am - retzam ""]
So what's the verdict Rev, can you shoot it? I can't wait til this thing.
[Jul 2,2004 12:36am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
how the fuck are the early cryptopsy cd's not memorable? we're all entitled to our own opinion, but that baffles my mind. none so vile was wwaaaaaaaayyyy ahead of its time, and i believe it still surpasses 90% of 'death metal' these days. don't get me wrong, i love newer cryptopsy, but the older shit rips me a new asshole with ease....i mean what?
[Jul 2,2004 1:06am - retzam ""]
I agree dude. None So Vile is fucking wow, only way to describe it unless you want to describe it in a less homosexual way. Awesome album. I don't really understand why people think Lord Worm is gonna lead the band in the wrong direction. I don't think Mike DiSalvo ever had any place in Cryptopsy really. Imagine Worm doing the vocals on Cold Hate, Warm Blood (which he actually did write the lyrics for). That is wet dream material right there, and I am hoping that it occurs at this show. I can't fucking wait.
[Jul 2,2004 1:32pm - retzam ""]
arg, Rev are you shooting it man??
[Jul 2,2004 2:50pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
MarkFuckingRichards said:how the fuck are the early cryptopsy cd's not memorable? we're all entitled to our own opinion, but that baffles my mind. none so vile was wwaaaaaaaayyyy ahead of its time, and i believe it still surpasses 90% of 'death metal' these days. don't get me wrong, i love newer cryptopsy, but the older shit rips me a new asshole with ease....i mean what?

well compared to newer cryptopsy material it holds no place really. i agree that yes it was ahead of it's time, but newer shit is even more ahead of it's time and blows a ton of other bands away as well as their own older material.
[Jul 2,2004 2:52pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
retzam said:I agree dude. None So Vile is fucking wow, only way to describe it unless you want to describe it in a less homosexual way. Awesome album. I don't really understand why people think Lord Worm is gonna lead the band in the wrong direction. I don't think Mike DiSalvo ever had any place in Cryptopsy really. Imagine Worm doing the vocals on Cold Hate, Warm Blood (which he actually did write the lyrics for). That is wet dream material right there, and I am hoping that it occurs at this show. I can't fucking wait.

imagine how band his grunting "mother fucking take a bite of the poison" would be and you might get an idea of what i'm thinking. he's not that great of a vocalist. if he didn't have a good band behind him no one would care.
[Jul 2,2004 3:26pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm stll not sure...
[Jul 2,2004 7:53pm - retzam ""]
attendmyrequiem said:imagine how band his grunting "mother fucking take a bite of the poison" would be and you might get an idea of what i'm thinking. he's not that great of a vocalist. if he didn't have a good band behind him no one would care.

I completely disagree. I think he is one of the best death metal vocalists out there. His lows are fucking really really pure and frankly, no one can beat them. Also, anyone who can fucking pull off a nearly 30 second long scream (I believe the song I'm thinking of is Open Face Surgery) is pretty damn good in my book.
[Jul 2,2004 11:51pm - BornSoVile ""]
ok, who's riding with me????
[Jul 12,2004 3:43pm - the_reverend ""]
ok, I've gotten the "ok" from derek and I'm hoping to get it from flo soon.
[Jul 12,2004 4:59pm - xeatadickx ""]
this is gonna be a fun time, death metal in a high school gym
[Jul 12,2004 9:08pm - BornSoVile ""]
AL, turn on your phone dude. Hope your hand is healing!
Who's going with me? What time does it start or what time should I be there for Roddy, Cryptopsy?
Last night I called Nasty Habits and told them to play some Death Metal. I told them about this show, they didn't even know Lord Worm was back in the band. WTF. I mean we drank ourselves stupid for a week in celebration over this shit. Some people just don't get it.
[Jul 12,2004 9:37pm - the_reverend ""]
you cheatin' on me again?
[Jul 12,2004 9:39pm - succubus ""]
he had best listen tonight!
[Jul 13,2004 7:05am - handinjury ""]
doors @11:30 , starts @12.

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