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[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to Thomas Roll (troll@westphalia.edu).
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[QUOTE="Thomas%20Roll%20(troll@westphalia.edu):1350669"][FONT=XXL]What's long and hard on a nigger? First grade. A Mexican and a nigger are riding in car... who's driving? The cop! What do you call a smiling black man? Snigger. What do black men do after sex? 15 years to life. What was the only thing missing from the million man march? An auctioneer. What do you say when you wake up in the middle of the night and your TV's floating in the air? Drop it nigger! What's the difference between a nigger and a snow tire? A snow tire doesn't sing when you put chains on it. What would you call the Flintstones if they were black? Niggers. Why do more niggers get hit by cars in the winter? They're easier to spot! What do you call two blacks on one bike? Organized crime! Why are niggers getting stronger? TVs are getting bigger! Did you hear that the KKK bought the movie rights to Roots? They're going to play it backwards so it has a happy ending. What does N.A.A.C.P stand for? Niggers Are Always Causing Problems Why does L.A. have so many fags and N.Y. so many niggers? L.A. had first choice! Why are all the niggers fast runners? All the slow ones are in jail. Where is the best place to hide a nigger's food stamps? Under his work boots. How can you tell when a black has been on your computer? It's no longer there. What do you get when you cross a nigger and a spic? Someone too lazy to steal. Why don't niggers take aspirin? They refuse to pick the cotton out. What do nigger kids get for Christmas? Your bike. What's the difference between a naked white woman and a naked black woman? One's on the cover of Playboy and the other's on the cover of National Geographic. Why don't niggers go on cruises? They're not falling for that one again. Why don't niggers dream? The last one to have a dream got shot. What's the most confusing day in Harlem? Father's Day! What did the nigger get on his SATs? Barbecue sauce! When does a Black man turn into a nigger? As soon as he leaves the room. Why can't Ray Charles or Stevie Wonder read? They're niggers! A nigger and a spic jump off the Empire State Building. Who hits the ground first? The spic, because the nigger had to stop halfway down and spray paint "motherfucker" on the wall. Racism is when you run over a nigger with your truck. Reverse-racism is when you back up. What's the worst thing you can call a black man, starting with N and ending with R? Neighbor. How does a black chick tell if she's pregnant? When she pulls the tampon out, all the cotton is already picked. Why was golf invented? So white people get a chance to dress like niggers. Why are apes always frowning? They heard that in a million years they'll be niggers! What do Nike and the KKK have in common? They both make niggers run faster What do a nigger and a bicycle have in common? They only work with a chain on. Why are niggers getting hit by cars more in winter on snowy days? They are easier to spot. The teacher asks them, "What do cows say?" Amy replies, "moo!" Teacher then asks, "What do sheep say?" Jack replies, "baa!" Teacher then asks, "What do pigs say?" Leroy says, "Freeze, nigger, drop the fuckin' bag?" Why do niggers call white people "honkies"? That's the last sound they hear before the white people run them over. How does every black joke start? With someone looking around to see if there are any black people around.[/FONT][/QUOTE]
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