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Worst RTTP Troll?

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[Mar 4,2013 1:28pm - Troll Showdown  ""]
You decide.
[Mar 4,2013 1:33pm - Correction  ""]
Big Bag of Assorted Nigger Parts is the BEST troll.
[Mar 4,2013 2:03pm - scottfromzircon ""]
[Mar 4,2013 2:20pm - Theory....  ""]
Maybe Thunderstool IS Scott Wily...
[Mar 4,2013 2:43pm - futup shagget  ""]
futup shagget
[Mar 4,2013 4:24pm - Thunderstool  ""]
I had to come out of retirement for this...

[Mar 4,2013 11:12pm - necrobutcher  ""]
[Mar 4,2013 11:15pm - niggerlover  ""]
[Mar 4,2013 11:46pm - WilyKat  ""]
[Mar 5,2013 12:58am - Thunderstool  ""]
I am still the greatest troll in the world.
[Mar 5,2013 12:27pm - yoda troll  ""]
[Mar 5,2013 12:42pm - Smarky Smark and the Funky Bunch  ""]
[Mar 5,2013 1:39pm - Thunderstool  ""]
Yoda Troll, I challenge you to a fight.
[Mar 6,2013 1:51am - Advocate Advocate  ""]

[Mar 6,2013 7:08am - NEGRO-MASONIC JUDEO-OVERLORD  ""]
[Mar 6,2013 10:01am - Thunderstool  ""]
I am the greatest troll in the universe!
[Mar 6,2013 10:04am - yoda troll  ""]

Thunderstool said:Yoda Troll, I challenge you to a fight.

[Mar 6,2013 10:05am - Thunderstool  ""]
I am a troll Jedi master. COME AND FIGHT ME!!!!
[Mar 6,2013 10:12am - yoda troll  ""]

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