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Anyone up for some lo-fi garage/punk?

[Mar 26,2013 7:10pm - Delta Dart  ""]
Ex-members of speed metal outfit Volatile (if anyone remembers it). Playin something a little different, tell us what you think.

[Mar 26,2013 7:59pm - clownbaby  ""]
Interesting. Pretty good garage, pretty different than speed metal.
[Mar 26,2013 8:22pm - Delta Dart  ""]
Thanks. And yea its a big change for us former Volatile members. I actually have alot more fun playing this shit. Theres just a lot more freedom with it
[Mar 27,2013 10:51pm - Snowden ""]
Dude, "The Rip Offs" is already the name of a pretty well-known lo-fi garage punk band.

[Mar 28,2013 6:34am - fartfuck  ""]
[Mar 28,2013 7:41am - King Thunderstool  ""]

fartfuck said:Exactly.

I will fuck your farts with my donkey dick.
[Mar 28,2013 10:05am - ShadowSD ""]
I'm more partial to the speed metal myself, personally I wish Volatile was still around as a project, we had a good time playing with you guys.
[Mar 29,2013 12:32am - DeltaDart  ""]
Volatile was a lot of fun. Unfortunately there was a lot of tension between members in the end and it fell apart. We had a ton of unreleased tracks we recorded last year. Its a shame it went to shit cause that was some good shit
[Mar 29,2013 12:43am - shutup_fagget ""]
Shutup faggets
[Mar 29,2013 1:18am - DeltaDart  ""]
and for the record, it doesn't really matter if theres another well known band with the same name. everythings been done before in one way or another. nothing is original anymore. if we wanted to be original we'd name the band fartfuck. and that's probably been taken too

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