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Scott Wily from Vital Remains and Zircon found lead paint in his apartment

[Apr 18,2013 7:08pm - Metal Old News  ""]
He's been eating it like potato chips during all-night fakeposting sprees.
[Apr 18,2013 7:09pm - DYA is TOTALLY DIDN'T JUST POST THIS  ""]
Nope, sure didn't. *whistles*
[Apr 19,2013 2:02am - rat1  ""]
[Apr 19,2013 9:01am - Scott Wily is a Phony  ""]
A big fat false phony!!!
[Apr 19,2013 5:01pm - Vital Remainss MasterMind  ""]
Scott Wily's rttp enemie's please// nigeerratt a troll slander lier??
[Apr 20,2013 3:13am - trollsrus  ""]

4 enemies of Wily.. one is a Spaniard chick the other a spic and the and this failure is a nig.. all the rest of u ratts reduced to rodents suck it.
[Apr 20,2013 4:39am - enemie spaniard chick  ""]
i found a better guy with a bigger dick
[Apr 20,2013 8:03am - ICS Anthony  ""]
BTW Scott does not use this old facebook profiles.. His girlfriend, Elizabeth posted that pic of him and her together.. She will be answering all e-mails for now on.. I think Scott has another facebook if u all need to try and catch him in a lie so bad.. Check his Megatron account.. That's the one he used to use the most.
[Apr 20,2013 5:47pm - seems legit  ""]
His imaginary girlfriend put a picture on his facebook page but didn't write a status about him dying. Seems legit bro.
[Apr 20,2013 10:53pm - Pth  ""]
[Apr 20,2013 11:09pm - The Vrilla  ""]
Zircon is the enemy!
[Apr 21,2013 3:59pm - FALSE  ""]
[Apr 23,2013 1:24pm - pth  ""]
[Apr 24,2013 6:03am - the real ratt  ""]
go to http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/zirconsongs to help family pay for funerls service. Thank you
[Apr 24,2013 3:20pm - the_reverend ""]
Name: ip68-14-83-203.ri.ri.cox.net
[Apr 29,2013 11:54am - scottfromzircon ""]
[Jun 27,2013 8:44am - scottfromzircon ""]
Wow! It's my girlfriends old IP address.. Hey rev. Is the whole Pawtucket library still not allowed to go on rttp? http://4gifs.org/gallery/d/205857-2/Deanna_Troi_topless.gif
[Jun 27,2013 8:44am - scottfromzircon ""]
[Jun 27,2013 8:50am - wily faggot thread marked for deletion  ""]

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