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Can you sign some one up for telemarketers?

[Jul 6,2013 5:13pm - Jibber Jabber Jaw  ""]
Some one wont stop calling & texting me. Is there an easy way to sign them up for nonstop telemarketing calls?
[Jul 6,2013 6:11pm - the_reverend ""]
I just block them on google voice
[Jul 6,2013 8:09pm - death-metal ""]
Just sign them up for unverified credit cards, online gambling, lawn darts, and other products for idiots. That'll bring the telemarketers like nothing else.
[Jul 7,2013 1:27am - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
When they call, do a convincing nigger impression. No one wants to talk to one of those. This WILL make them stop.

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