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The Wolverine (2013)

[Jul 14,2013 9:13pm - the_reverend ""]

I just want to rub one out to Huge Jackme.
[Jul 15,2013 3:26pm - scottfromzircon ""]
ThanX for restoring all my IP's bro!
[Dec 10,2013 8:17pm - the_reverend ""]
Huge Jacking off man.
[Dec 10,2013 8:24pm - KEVORD ""]
Horrible movie.
[Dec 10,2013 11:47pm - MotleyGrue ""]
Have not net flixed this movie yet
[Dec 11,2013 8:08am - the_reverend ""]
Any movie with Hugh Jackman shirtless is fap worthy.

Way to bring the board back kevord. Why did it suck? Besides the time lines, No character development, etc... It was a solid marvel based action flick. Sort of like all the Wolverine spin off comics. For those of us who stopped reading comics 18 years ago, the world that these comics encompass is weird and scary. These are our kids' x-men. They don't even live in the same universe as the xmen we knew.
[Dec 11,2013 8:14am - the_reverend ""]
Looking online I guess in 2008 they wrote the while hiroshima thing.
[Dec 11,2013 8:19am - KEVORD ""]
I stole this but it sums up all of my feelings after seeing this in the theater:

You know you are a bad director when...

you negate the conclusion of the previous movie.

your plot makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

you have more plot inconsistencies than Swiss cheese.

your favorite X-men character fights and moves with the grace of a rock.

your favorite X-men character acts like a cretin and his decisions are abysmally bad.

your favorite X-men character gets totally owned by a... ¿corporate samurai?.

your favorite X-men character loses his power more than half of the film.

your favorite X-men character cuts a tree with an axe and then gets tired.

you can cut adamantium.

you can drill into adamantium.

your adamantium cutter fails to cut flesh.

Japanese swords can withstand adamantium.

your villain is not even clownishly developed.

your villain has absolutely no motivation for how she acts. NONE. Worst villain ever.

your villain sheds her skin for no reason.

inexplicably you can suck a mutant of its power with a giant adamantium suit.

you kill a bear for no reason.

grandpa is a douche for the completely wrong reasons.

you take 50 rope arrows to your back and not try to get lose.

you have an awesome army of ninjas, yet in the end they decide to go on a sudden camping trip.

!!!!! you perform heart surgery on yourself, even if you can't heal back !!!!!

you don't pass out during heart surgery on yourself, but scream with excruciating pain when someone cuts your nails.

you live after performing heart surgery on yourself.

the best scene in the film is a scene after the credits.

you force a love relationship that is somehow immoral and has no meaning or conclusion.

your film has an ending without any conclusions; except Wolverine now has crappier claws.
[Dec 11,2013 8:22am - KEVORD ""]
The worst plot hole was, Why didn't they just steal Wolverines healing factor then lock him up or kill him at the beginning of the movie. I could have been out of the movie in ten minutes.
[Dec 11,2013 8:35am - DYA DEPARTMENT OF DYA  ""]
Frank Miller is spinning in his grave. And he isn't dead.
[Dec 11,2013 10:14am - the_reverend ""]
There are a lot of good points there. The end of which movie? First class or xmen 3? The end of xmen movies are like the end of porno, I don't really remember what happens but I assume it has Jackman finishing on my chest.
[Dec 11,2013 10:19am - KEVORD ""]
First class takes place in 1962 so how could it be first class? X3 of course.
[Dec 11,2013 10:29am - the_reverend ""]

KEVORD said:your favorite X-men character cuts a tree with an axe and then gets tired.
cause he has a parasite around his heart...
[Dec 11,2013 10:30am - the_reverend ""]

KEVORD said:the best scene in the film is a scene after the credits.
Agreed, Days of Future Past FTW!
[Dec 11,2013 10:34am - the_reverend ""]

KEVORD said:you force a love relationship that is somehow immoral and has no meaning or conclusion.
I thought this was a quick gloss over to a lot of the stuff for the original Wolverine series where he was in love with a girl from japan and trained a lot there.
[Dec 11,2013 10:38am - KEVORD ""]
It's a good idea to reference a comic that 95% of the audience hasn't read
[Dec 11,2013 10:41am - the_reverend ""]
also, the drills drill into bone, not adamantium. Wolverine's skeleton is covered on adamantium. So cutting off the claws allowed that machine to drill into the marrow of his bones. One of the comics I read in the 90's had wolvie get his entire adamantium removed. IDK what happened after that.
[Dec 11,2013 10:42am - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 11,2013 10:54am - KEVORD ""]
[Dec 11,2013 11:14am - DYA DEPARTMENT OF DYA  ""]

KEVORD said:It's a good idea to reference a comic that 95% of the audience hasn't read

It's an even better idea to "gloss over" the character's defining story instead of treating it with the attention it deserves. (Wolverine movie, you go stand in the corner with X-men 3 and think about what you've done.)
[Dec 11,2013 11:16am - KEVORD ""]
Basically either go all in or go home fagget.
[Dec 11,2013 11:27am - DYA DEPARTMENT OF DYA  ""]
If this is the care they treat Wolverine in Japan with, I'm looking forward to lots of Days of Future Past scenes with Callisto Pinkett-Smith and wrong-powers Psylocke.
[Dec 11,2013 11:27am - KEVORD ""]
The biggest problem with this movie is a big ninja vs. Wolverine fight never happened.
[Dec 11,2013 11:36am - MotleyGrue ""]

the_reverend said:also, the drills drill into bone, not adamantium. Wolverine's skeleton is covered on adamantium. So cutting off the claws allowed that machine to drill into the marrow of his bones. One of the comics I read in the 90's had wolvie get his entire adamantium removed. IDK what happened after that.

Magneto got extra strength I forget why, and caught Wolverine and pretty much sucked the adamantium out of him. Wolverine still had his healing factor, but was fucked up good. He then later realized that he had bone
[Dec 11,2013 11:38am - MotleyGrue ""]
Godammit I hit the post button before I was fucking done. He found out he had bone claws, but each time they came out they hurt him like fuck. It gets fuzzy for me from there as I dont remember how he got the adamantium back in his body, as it took several issues for that to happen.
[Dec 11,2013 11:49am - MotleyGrue ""]
Is the samuri he fights supposed to be the Silver Samuri? Also that asian broad he was in love with turned into Lady Deathstrike if I am correct.
[Dec 11,2013 12:03pm - the_reverend ""]
that's exactly what I was talking about. I think he only didn't know about the bone since he didn't remember his past at all at that point.
[Dec 11,2013 12:13pm - KEVORD ""]
Harada is in the movie but is not the Silver Samurai. A lot of the characters from the comic are in the movie but the movie plot has nothing to do with the comics.
[Dec 11,2013 12:17pm - KEVORD ""]
and the Asian broad was not ladydeathstrike in the comics or movie. Plus she was in X2 so that wouldn't make sense.
[Dec 11,2013 12:46pm - the_reverend ""]

KEVORD said:Hugh Jackman, what brand of jacket were you wearing when your fought sabertooth?
[Dec 11,2013 2:51pm - DYA DEPARTMENT OF MUTANT AFFAIRS  ""]

KEVORD said:A lot of the characters from the comic are in the movie but the movie plot has nothing to do with the comics.

"We copied down a lot of names from our X-men Who's Who to placate the fanboys, but we couldn't be bothered to actually write those characters into the movie so we just did a find/replace on the script."
[Dec 11,2013 3:17pm - Spence ""]
Honestly, the only X-Men movies I like are X-Men United and X-Men First Class.

All the other X-Men movies(but ESPECIALLY The Last Stand) can all suck on a chode.

I have high hopes for next year's X-Men movie though.
[Dec 12,2013 9:24pm - MotleyGrue ""]
What was the name of the Asian broad who Wolverine loved in the comics? Did anybody catch the Wolverine manga style cartoon earlier this year? I thought it was cool and sucked all at once.
[Dec 13,2013 9:09am - DYA DEPARTMENT OF MUTANT AFFAIRS  ""]
Mariko (Lord Shingen's daughter). Yukio was the slutty ninja chick he got wrapped up in, and Yuriko is Lady Deathstrike. Confused, yet?

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