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I need free clothes

[Sep 7,2013 11:22pm - Dustwardprez ""]

Ok i need clothes bad. Nothing fits not even my boxers. If i had to jump out a triple decker in my draws holding all my gear. I'd float down like Mary Poppins I've lost so much weight. fucking balloon boxers
[Sep 7,2013 11:25pm - Dustwardprez ""]
I need an iron for my shirt my favorite shirt. and my favorite Dickies that I was saving for the winter time that were too small are now too big. I need help
[Sep 8,2013 1:03am - Randy_marsh ""]
Cool story bor
[Sep 8,2013 1:13am - xgodzillax ""]
shut the fuck up and kill yourself already, fr00t
[Sep 8,2013 1:26am - MotleyGrue ""]

Dustwardprez said:
Ok i need clothes bad. Nothing fits not even my boxers. If i had to jump out a triple decker in my draws holding all my gear. I'd float down like Mary Poppins I've lost so much weight. fucking balloon boxers

Die fagget troll
[Sep 8,2013 1:37am - Alx_Casket ""]
Wear a scout belt over anything that feels loose
[Sep 8,2013 2:12am - King Thùnderstøòl  ""]
[Sep 8,2013 10:08am - Dustwardprez ""]
Any place left in town to buy fred's or warrior gear?

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