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Single ladies in Boston?

[Sep 7,2013 11:24pm - Dustwardprez ""]
I'm so tired of being alone sometimes. I need a girl part time who just wants to crash once in a while. i dont give a shit about sex every time. Some times you just want a down woman on your shoulder. Especially when
you cant sleep no matter how much xanax you take, then you hear all "whats wrong babe?" All soft toned and tired like. You say "its nothing" she turns toward you drapes her arm across your chest. The shaky stress of that day just fades with a deep calming breath as you hold her close. Your relaxed and relaxed and asleep before day light. I miss that i need one more down woman before i die. I got to get my own apartment. Roommates fuck up your.... Sigh
[Sep 7,2013 11:26pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I feel you, man.
[Sep 8,2013 12:00am - King Thùnderstøòl  ""]

[Sep 8,2013 12:29am - the_reverend ""]
I feel you.
[Sep 8,2013 12:36am - Dustwardprez ""]
Honzo is the shit. I wish i was one of my pets. They got it made. They love loud music so they go sorta shows. Food clean bathroom. Yeah i can fig it. Ima write a song about it wanna hear it here it goes
by my gear never fear hoping to the airport and tattoo your name on a leer take a bottle climb to the front of the freight train bang out the the engineer come on paint yourself some t-shirts so you can get more beer
[Sep 8,2013 1:36am - Randy_marsh ""]
Lame troll
[Sep 8,2013 1:42am - King Thùnderstøòl  ""]
[Sep 8,2013 1:17pm - the_reverend ""]
I hope someone listened to my link.
[Sep 8,2013 2:01pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
I did.
[Sep 8,2013 2:52pm - boblovesmusic ""]

[Sep 8,2013 5:15pm - Aril_Casket  ""]

Randy_marsh said:Lame troll

It's Aril trying out new gay material.
[Sep 9,2013 9:58am - posbleak ""]
[Sep 9,2013 10:19am - the_reverend ""]
No one listened to or liked my link :(
[Sep 9,2013 10:23am - largefreakatzero ""]
I don't get the point of this troll.
[Sep 9,2013 10:26am - definitely not aril  ""]

Aril_Casket said:
Randy_marsh said:Lame troll

It's Aril trying out new gay material.

No, it's definitely not Aril.
[Sep 9,2013 10:30am - Something Something Obscure  ""]
I heard he was on his deathbed in the hospital, but the hospital is too obscure for any of you.
[Sep 9,2013 3:49pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""]

Dustwardprez said:I'm so tired of being alone sometimes. I need a girl part time who just wants to crash once in a while. i dont give a shit about sex every time. Some times you just want a down woman on your shoulder. Especially when
you cant sleep no matter how much xanax you take, then you hear all "whats wrong babe?" All soft toned and tired like. You say "its nothing" she turns toward you drapes her arm across your chest. The shaky stress of that day just fades with a deep calming breath as you hold her close. Your relaxed and relaxed and asleep before day light. I miss that i need one more down woman before i die. I got to get my own apartment. Roommates fuck up your.... Sigh

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