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Inside the torture dungeon where British man planned to rape, murder and EAT children beneath his Massachusetts house

[Sep 12,2013 9:03pm - the_reverend ""]
[Sep 12,2013 9:24pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Deval would give this guy an EBT card if he wasn't white.
[Sep 12,2013 10:05pm - conservationist ""]
Raped and eaten children are quiet.
[Sep 12,2013 10:26pm - Burnsy ""]
All talk. What a pussy. Next, he's gonna tell his family he's gonna kill himself cuz he's depressed.
[Sep 13,2013 7:39am - conservationist ""]
Emo dungeon rapist is Emo.
[Sep 13,2013 7:49am - longdeadgod_nli  ""]
to bad this guy will probably be put in PC.
[Sep 13,2013 8:47am - Yeti ""]
[Sep 13,2013 10:08am - Alx_Casket ""]
I bet he listened to Marilyn Manson!
[Sep 13,2013 11:26am - The City of Worchester  ""]
Where is Worchester, Massachusetts? I know where Worcester is but what is this Worchester you speak of?
[Sep 13,2013 12:36pm - daily was the mail  ""]
Misppelled was the city

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