ANOTHER shooting, this time at a Naval Yard[views:1059][posts:10]____________________________________________ [Sep 16,2013 10:58am - ban guns already ""] Ban fucking guns and we wouldn't have this problem. |
_____________________________________________________ [Sep 16,2013 11:03am - nanny's little boy detector ""] Ok, you are now banned from owning guns. More for the adults. |
____________________________________________ [Sep 16,2013 11:08am - ban guns already ""] Shut up retard |
_______________________________________________________ [Sep 16,2013 11:14am - nanny�s little boy detector ""] Ok, sure - ONLY THE JOKE'S ON YOU, BECAUSE YOU ARE THE ONE WHO ARE THE RETARD. AHHHHHHHHH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOUR MOVE, SIR. |
______________________________________________________ [Sep 16,2013 11:17am - my weiner smells like poop ""] Said every DYA troll ever |
_________________________________ [Sep 16,2013 11:18am - Burnsy ""] I KNOW! Then, once this fucking alcohol ban goes through, we'll end drunk driving! And we'll ban rope to end suicide! Perfect world, HERE WE COME! |
___________________________________________________ [Sep 16,2013 11:23am - ban meanieheads already ""] GUYYYYTH, THTOOOOOP IT!!! |
___________________________________________ [Sep 16,2013 11:40am - largefreakatzero ""] OP = obvious troll. |
________________________________________ [Sep 16,2013 12:33pm - middlefinger ""] Ban guitars already so people can stop making shitty music |
___________________________________________ [Sep 16,2013 12:56pm - largefreakatzero ""] ^Now there's an idea. |
__________________________________________ [Sep 16,2013 10:53pm - conservationist ""] Give everyone guns. Make them wear them constantly. Casualties will spike, and then drop off. |