Fuck off King Thunderstool[views:1980][posts:43]________________________________________ [Oct 7,2013 2:20pm - NH Brufaggotry ""] When Duncan gives me my $18 I will take over as the greatest troll of all time. |
____________________________________________________ [Oct 7,2013 3:24pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""] Aren't King Thunderstool and NH Brufaggotry already the same person? |
_____________________________________ [Oct 7,2013 3:31pm - BeholdJudas ""] It's been painfully obvious that NH Brufaggotry is Willey's alter ego for a while now. |
___________________________________________ [Oct 7,2013 3:44pm - King Th�nderst��l ""] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!! NH BRUFAGGOTRY WILL NEVER BEAT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM THE GREATEST TROLL OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
________________________________________ [Oct 7,2013 3:57pm - Angry Diarrhea ""] Here we go again with this bullshit. In before 50 threads about Zircon. |
_____________________________________ [Oct 7,2013 4:09pm - BeholdJudas ""] Pawtucket pigs are probably too busy being completely fucking useless. |
________________________________________ [Oct 7,2013 4:22pm - NH Brufaggotry ""] King Thunderstool is the useless one for not destroying Thundersteel |
___________________________________________ [Oct 7,2013 4:24pm - King Th�nderstein ""] Never pay retail for Zirconium. Call me. I can help. Avi |
___________________________________________ [Oct 7,2013 4:26pm - King Th�nderst��l ""] AT LEAST I DON'T WEAR SPANDEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
___________________________________________ [Oct 7,2013 4:28pm - King Th�nderstein ""] I can get spandex too, but it's gonna cost ya. Do I know your people? |
___________________________________________ [Oct 7,2013 5:32pm - painfully obvious ""] BeholdJudas said:It's been painfully obvious that NH Brufaggotry is Willey's alter ego for a while now. ^^^This^^^ |
___________________________________________ [Oct 7,2013 6:32pm - King Th�nderst��l ""] BeholdJudas said:It's been painfully obvious that King Thunderstool is the greatest troll of all time for a while now. |
___________________________________________ [Oct 7,2013 7:37pm - painfully obvious ""] King%20Th�nderst��l said: BeholdJudas said:It's been painfully obvious that King Thunderstool is Scott Willey for a while now. |
_________________________________________________ [Oct 8,2013 8:31am - Open Mouth, Insert Cock ""] Scott Willey has more going for him than raging over this board for reasons of ego. I doubt he'd stoop that low and if he did, he'd snap out of it quickly. |
____________________________________________ [Oct 8,2013 11:21am - ABSOLUTELY NO ONE ""] Open%20Mouth,%20Insert%20Cock said:Scott Willey has more going for him than raging over this board for reasons of ego. I doubt he'd stoop that low and if he did, he'd snap out of it quickly. WE TOTALLY BELIEVE YOU!!! |
___________________________________________ [Oct 8,2013 1:43pm - King Th�nderst��l ""] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! THUNDERSTEEL IS A SLEAZY ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
___________________________________________ [Oct 8,2013 1:46pm - King Th�nderst��l ""] AND NH BRUFAGGOTRY...... IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME $18, IT'S LIGHTS OUT FOR YOUR SORRY ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!! GETTING DUNCAN TO PAY UP SHOULD BE A PIECE OF CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
_______________________________ [Oct 8,2013 1:51pm - fixed ""] King%20Th�nderst��l said:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! KING THUNDERSTOOL IS SCOTT WILLEY IS A SLEAZY ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
____________________________________________________ [Oct 8,2013 1:58pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""] So much samefag. Reading this thread made me temporarily retarded. |
___________________________________________ [Oct 8,2013 2:23pm - King Th�nderst��l ""] NO SCOTT WILY IS NOT AN ASSHOLE. THUNDERSTEEL IS!!!!!!!!!!! |
__________________________________________________ [Oct 8,2013 6:54pm - Stormfront.org Recruiter ""] Hey, anyone want to talk about sending those Gypsies back to Romania? |
_______________________________________ [Oct 8,2013 6:55pm - shutup fagget ""] Stormfront.org%20Recruiter said:Hey, anyone want to talk about sending those Gypsies back to Romania? shutup fagget |
__________________________________________ [Oct 8,2013 7:29pm - Sandro Beyer NLI ""] Be tolerant of King Thunderstool. He just needs to express himself. |
______________________________________ [Oct 8,2013 7:32pm - HookedonMetal ""] Willey, if you want to take me out so bad, why don't you go the Impaler show at Roggie's next Thursday night? I'm not a difficult person to spot. No need to keep going on about it on here. Come and get me or shut the fuck up. |
_____________________________________ [Oct 8,2013 7:43pm - BeholdJudas ""] Meanwhile, my offer to get the eighteen bucks you think I owe you at the Fetus show is still on as well. I knew for a fact that your heroin-ravaged ass wasn't gonna show up at Chinatown, and I also know that you have no fucking clue where I live, nor the means to get there. As such, you have two options: show up to Fetus and be a fucking man, or shut your bitch mouth and quit running from the Pawtucket cops while posting about how I owe you $18 and about how Samantha is a big fat bitch and how you're going to kill Carmine. Fucking punk. |
___________________________________________ [Oct 8,2013 8:07pm - King Th�nderst��l ""] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! YOU IDIOTS ARE BOTH GONNA DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
_________________________________________ [Oct 8,2013 9:58pm - ghost of chiodo ""] Yo essaye, I still missing yo. Come find me. |
_________________________________________ [Oct 8,2013 10:21pm - conservationist ""] A good place to fuckin' troll: http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/metal/f.69/ |
______________________________________________________________________ [Oct 9,2013 8:35am - Love Child of Woody Allen and Allen Ginsberg ""] People speak about penises as if they're a bad thing. Singly, or in thick luscious bunches. |
___________________________________________ [Oct 9,2013 1:40pm - King Th�nderst��l ""] MR. BRUFAGGOTRY....... YOU STILL OWE ME $18. YOU BETTER TRACK DOWN DUNCAN OR I'LL BURN YOUR ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
________________________________________ [Oct 9,2013 1:42pm - NH Brufaggotry ""] I'll get the money.... HURRY UP WITH MY MONEY DUNCAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR I'LL BEAT YOU DOWN LIKE A DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
__________________________________________ [Oct 9,2013 1:50pm - SAMEFAG DETECTOR ""] [img] |
______________________________________ [Oct 9,2013 1:57pm - Dunkin' Donuts ""] We would like to announce that we will be sponsoring the Zircon reunion tour as a way of showing our gratitude towards Mr. Willey for his overwhelmingly devoted patronage of our Pawtucket-area locations. |
___________________________________________ [Oct 9,2013 2:01pm - King Th�nderst��l ""] HEL WILL LEAVE SEAX ANS REJOIN ZIRCON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
________________________________________ [Oct 9,2013 3:53pm - Steve Jobs NLI ""] Ifff he were uuusing an iiiiPpaaaaddd, heee woulddd beee a mooore effffectivvve troooollll |
________________________________________ [Oct 9,2013 4:26pm - Zircon Groupie ""] Ohh, King Thunderstool! Get your hot self over here! |
___________________________________________ [Oct 9,2013 4:29pm - Zircon Groupie #2 ""] shut up bitch i saw him first |
___________________________________________ [Oct 9,2013 4:30pm - Zircon Groupie #3 ""] Your both rong he's all mine |
________________________________________ [Oct 9,2013 5:38pm - Angry Diarrhea ""] This shit is unbearably retarded. Way to ruin the forum again you fucking piece of shit. |
_________________________________________ [Oct 9,2013 5:38pm - King Understool ""] Don't ask me, I'm covered in stool. |
___________________________________________ [Oct 9,2013 6:28pm - King Th�nderst��l ""] Angry%20Diarrhea said:This shit is unbearably retarded. Way to ruin the forum again you fucking piece of shit. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DO NOT RUIN FORUMS YOU LITTLE WORM. I AM THE GREATEST TROLL OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I IMPROVED THE FORUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
_______________________________________________________ [Oct 9,2013 7:24pm - RTTP MASTURBATION TRANSCRIBER ""] King%20Th�nderst��l said: Angry%20Diarrhea said:This shit is unbearably retarded. Way to ruin the forum again you fucking piece of shit. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DO NOT RUIN FORUMS YOU LITTLE WORM. I AM THE GREATEST TROLL OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I IMPROVED THE FORUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH SHIT, I'M GONNA COME FROM THIS SHAMPOO BOTTLE IN MY ASS!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO ASHAMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
____________________________________________________ [Oct 9,2013 8:59pm - King Shampoo-Bottle-in-Ass ""] Can you guys jump up and down? It's the erratic friction that makes me squeak, if you know what I mean. |