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Horrible Bosses (2011)

[Oct 15,2013 12:48pm - the_reverend ""]

this movie was pretty awesome.
[Oct 15,2013 1:17pm - chrisREX ""]
movie sucked hard
[Oct 15,2013 1:18pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]
ha! This thread has defined the internet
[Oct 16,2013 4:48pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought it was good.
[Oct 17,2013 5:37pm - That bearded  ""]
That bearded hipster faggot from its always sunny played the same bearded hipster faggot in this movie. Yea no thanks
[Oct 18,2013 2:30am - Charlie_Kelly_Advocate  ""]
He fought the Nightman, lived as Dayman. 'Nuff said.
[Oct 18,2013 12:59pm - Colonel Sangus  ""]
Charlie rules. I still crack up at the 'Dram Bok' episode.

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