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Tues. March 18 // Worcester Palladium // Destruction, Krisiun, Widow, Scourge, Nemecide, and Black Mass

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Mar 14,2014 6:41am - scourge_metal ""]
Tues. March 18 // Worcester Palladium (upstairs) // 7:00pm

Black Mass


[Mar 14,2014 6:46am - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
On the 18? Does that mean Duncan will finally cough up the $18 he owes me?
[Mar 14,2014 9:08am - Grimlock  ""]

NH%20Brufaggotry said:On the 18? Does that mean Duncan will finally cough up the $18 he owes me?

Pay me $19 before I make your titties scream.
[Mar 14,2014 9:11am - NH Brufaggotry  ""]

Grimlock said:
NH%20Brufaggotry said:On the 18? Does that mean Duncan will finally cough up the $18 he owes me?

Pay me $19 before I make your titties scream.

I'll send Megatron to kill you!
[Mar 14,2014 10:00am - the_reverend ""]
[Mar 14,2014 11:55am - demondave ""]
[Mar 14,2014 11:57am - HookedonMetal ""]
I'm hitting this up for sure.
[Mar 14,2014 4:55pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Just bought my ticket! This is gonna fucking rule especially with it being upstairs.
[Mar 15,2014 10:57am - scourge_metal ""]
[Mar 15,2014 3:50pm - Spence ""]
This show is going to be killer.

Been way too long since i've seen Destruction, and i've been meaning to catch Black Mass live for a while.
[Mar 15,2014 4:09pm - Just die already  ""]
God, Scourge still exists? "without mercy"? more like "without talent".
[Mar 18,2014 5:47am - scourge_metal ""]
[Mar 18,2014 7:31am - HookedonMetal ""]
Will Spencer actually make it out for this? Only time will tell...
[Mar 18,2014 8:04am - Spence ""]

HookedonMetal said:Will Spencer actually make it out for this? Only 12 hours will tell...
[Mar 18,2014 8:22am - Spence ""]
According to setlist.fm, this was their setlist only a few days ago in Austria:

01. Thrash Till Death
02. Spiritual Genocide
03. Nailed to the Cross
04. Mad Butcher
05. Armageddonizer
06. Eternal Ban
07. Life Without Sense
08. Black Metal (Venom cover)
09. Total Desaster
10. Carnivore
11. Hate Is My Fuel
12. Death Trap
13. Drum Solo
14. Tormentor
15. Invincible Force
16. Tears of Blood
17. Antichrist
18. Bullets from Hell
19. Desecrators of the New Age
20. Bestial Invasion
21. The Butcher Strikes Back
22. Curse the Gods
23. Fuck the USA (The Exploited)

Lots of new songs, but as a whole, pretty much all their classics are here. If they play Fuck the USA, I will be so fucking happy.
[Mar 18,2014 10:46am - Spydre ""]
I wish they'd play somewhere other than the Palladium. It's been like 6 years since I've seen them, but it seems like that's the only venue they ever play.
[Mar 18,2014 10:49am - Spence ""]
The last two times they were in MA, it wasn't at the palladium...
[Mar 18,2014 11:19am - HookedonMetal ""]
Last time they came around, I'm pretty sure they played in Providence. I was in Illinois for Ragnarokkr Metal Apocalypse that weekend though. If not for that, I would have been all over it.
[Mar 18,2014 11:24am - Spence ""]
Yeah and i'm pretty sure in 2011 they played in Boston with Heathen.
[Mar 18,2014 11:40am - Spydre ""]
I'm obviously completely out of the loop then. I just felt like the few times I've seen them play it was at the Palladium.
[Mar 18,2014 11:53am - Mark_R ""]
It makes sense if it's been six years since you've seen them (2008). I think they did the Palladium consecutively, in 07 and 09. Prior to those, they did the Middle East, and more recently what Spence & Carmine described.
[Mar 18,2014 11:55am - MillenialKingdom ""]
This will be first time seeing Destruction and Krisiun. Should be an awesome fucking show.
[Mar 18,2014 12:31pm - YAHWEH  ""]

MillenialKingdom said:This will be first time seeing Destruction and Krisiun. Should be an awesome fucking show.

[Mar 18,2014 12:48pm - HookedonMetal ""]
Krisiun ruled in 2009 when they came around with Destruction. Actually that entire bill kicked ass. Mantic Ritual was awesome. Definitely one of the better new thrash bands to come out in the last decade.
[Mar 18,2014 12:54pm - MillenialKingdom ""]

YAHWEH said:
MillenialKingdom said:This will be first time seeing Destruction and Krisiun. Should be an awesome fucking show.


[Mar 18,2014 1:00pm - Yeti ""]
I must have seen a different Mantic Ritual with Marduk because they were painfully awful.
[Mar 18,2014 1:02pm - Spence ""]

Yeti said:I must have seen a different Mantic Ritual with Marduk because they were painfully awful.

When Mantic Ritual did the Destruction/Krisiun tour, it was the original lineup.

By the time they did the Marduk tour, their vocalist/r guitarist and drummer were new members who were apparently more into Avenged Sevenfold type stuff. So yeah, for all intents and purposes, you did see a different Mantic Ritual. Which is why i'm happy they disbanded before doing any other albums. haha
[Mar 18,2014 1:48pm - HookedonMetal ""]
They are a band again and if I'm not mistaken, it is with the original lineup. A few buddies of mine on the west coast saw them at the Thrasho de Mayo festival in Hollywood last year and said they were quite good.
[Mar 18,2014 4:01pm - demondave ""]

When do Worcester shows get out? I can't remember if they get out by 11:30 or 1am.

[Mar 18,2014 4:07pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
They don't usually run past midnight or earlier.
[Mar 18,2014 7:25pm - MillenialKingdomNLI  ""]
Scourge sucks
[Mar 18,2014 8:33pm - MillenialKingdomNLI  ""]
Black Mass was decent retro thrash. Good crowd response.

Nemecide would be better with a different singer. Kid is wearing a Cradle of Filth shirt with an Adidas snapback. I think he thinks he's singing for Lamb of God or something.
[Mar 18,2014 8:49pm - demondave ""]
On my way there now. I hope to catch Krisiun but as long as I catch Destruction i'll be happy
[Mar 18,2014 9:15pm - MillenialKingdomNLI  ""]
Widow is pretty decent traditional metal. I would recommend checking them out. Great riffs/solos
[Mar 18,2014 9:16pm - MillenialKingdomNLI  ""]
Krisiun is on next but I'm sure you have time. Widow is like 2-3 songs in
[Mar 18,2014 9:43pm - demondave ""]
Shit, it's cold in here. I should have worn my jacket. Maybe I should get the destruction hat for my bald assed head
[Mar 18,2014 9:57pm - MillenialKingdomNLI  ""]
Corpsepaint kid is here
[Mar 18,2014 10:08pm - MillenialKingdomNLI  ""]
The crowd here is lame.
[Mar 18,2014 10:38pm - HookedonMetal ""]
I saw more people moshing to Slayer over the PA than to the actual bands so far. Something is terribly wrong with this picture...
[Mar 18,2014 10:40pm - demondave ""]
My wizzzzard beard wasn't enough to keep me warm. Caved in on the hat.

Less people than I expected, but it is a Tuesday night.
[Mar 18,2014 10:41pm - demondave ""]
I should listen to Krisiun more often. They're fucking good
[Mar 18,2014 11:16pm - demondave ""]
Destruction are pissed at the sound guy. It sounds so muddy at the front
[Mar 18,2014 11:26pm - demondave ""]
Sounds better now. I think Schmier is still pissed
[Mar 18,2014 11:49pm - demondave ""]
Fuck yeah - they're playing 'release from Agony'
[Mar 19,2014 12:07am - demondave ""]
Millennialkingdom might be jealous of my Destruction Santa Hat
[Mar 19,2014 12:23am - MillenialKingdomNLI  ""]
It would work if I was bald but I instead have glorious locks. Jokes on you!
[Mar 19,2014 12:37am - demondave ""]
There is no excuse for your lack of a wizzzzzard beard
[Mar 19,2014 8:21am - MillenialKingdomNLI  ""]
My job requires a clean shaven baby face. Boo-urns
[Mar 19,2014 8:26am - YAHWEH_  ""]
'You must not shave or cut the corners of the hairs of your head and you are not to trim (mar or clip off) the edge (corners) of your beard.' Lev. 19:27
[Mar 19,2014 10:24am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Why do you idiots still think I'm a Christian? I don't believe in religion and I haven't for some time now. Fuck that shit.
[Mar 19,2014 10:27am - YAHWEH_  ""]
My child, he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation. Mark 3:29
[Mar 19,2014 11:07am - Snowden ""]

Yeti said:I must have seen a different Mantic Ritual with Marduk because they were painfully awful.

Oh shit, they were the total oddball band on that lineup, right? We got there late and I was bummed we missed Merrimack instead of them.
[Mar 19,2014 12:19pm - 2 cents  ""]
Good times last night, Destruction killed 2nd half. Worst band was definitely Scourge - i see why they get so much shit on here
[Mar 19,2014 1:22pm - Yeti ""]

Snowden said:
Yeti said:I must have seen a different Mantic Ritual with Marduk because they were painfully awful.

Oh shit, they were the total oddball band on that lineup, right? We got there late and I was bummed we missed Merrimack instead of them.

Black Anvil was the other one that was a snoozefest.
[Mar 19,2014 1:44pm - Hungover  ""]
Meh Scourge was alright. Definitely wouldn't say they were the worst band though. They played well, at least. Black Mass made me want to punch a midget. I thought Nemecide was a sloppy. I will agree that Destruction fuckin ruled last night.
[Mar 19,2014 2:59pm - the_reverend ""]
If I hadn't been sick, I would have tried harder to get there.
[Mar 19,2014 3:10pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Scourge was definitely the worst band and Nemecide's vocalist is so bad, he made the whole band sound like dogshit. They need to fire his ass.
[Mar 19,2014 3:11pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Destruction was having a hissy fit in the beginning but the rest of the set was fucking killer. Krisiun was punishing. I'd almost go as far to say they were my favorite band of the night.
[Mar 19,2014 3:37pm - HookedonMetal ""]
Didn't really care for Scourge or Nemecide.

Other than that, last night was a blast.

Black Mass was fun as always, Widow was good traditional metal (there seriously isn't enough of that here), Krisiun was very good, and Destruction killed it.
[Mar 20,2014 8:39am - demondave ""]
Destruction Setlist.
I may have missed something, and I can't remember if they played Invincible Force or not. Here is what they played:

Thrash Till Death
Nailed to the Cross
Spiritual Genocide
Mad Butcher
Eternal Ban
Life Without Sense
Release from Agony
Total Desaster
Hate Is My Fuel
Death Trap
(Invincible Force ?)
Bestial Invasion


The Butcher Strikes Back
Curse the Gods

[Mar 20,2014 8:59am - Snowden ""]

Yeti said:
Snowden said:
Yeti said:I must have seen a different Mantic Ritual with Marduk because they were painfully awful.

Oh shit, they were the total oddball band on that lineup, right? We got there late and I was bummed we missed Merrimack instead of them.

Black Anvil was the other one that was a snoozefest.

Man, my memory is so fuzzy. Mantic Ritual is the one that made me feel like I'd walked into the wrong show though, right?
[Mar 20,2014 12:56pm - Yeti ""]
I'm sure, I think there was a collective grimace that arose.

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