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What band(s) are you in?

[May 1,2014 6:31pm - Best Bands  ""]
Since you all shit on everything that hits the stage in New England, what shitty bands are you guys in? Links would be appreciated.
[May 1,2014 7:27pm - DYA is UM, A DUSTY WIGHT LABIA  ""]
I'm in "Judas Priest HG," which is basically just Priest, except all the songs are just overtly gay. Like, even more so.
[May 1,2014 7:28pm - DYA is UM, A DUSTY WIGHT LABIA  ""]
No links because, y'know, those kinds of places don't really take kindly to cameras. If you know what I mean.
[May 2,2014 2:19am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[May 2,2014 11:54am - PC BOSTON BM JEWS  ""]
we'll never tell - BECAUSE WE'RE JEWS!
[May 2,2014 11:56am - PC BOSTON BM JEWS  ""]
[May 2,2014 12:19pm - Multi-Instrumentalist  ""]
This IS the musical polyglot and I'm in 10 bands , I play a different instrument in each as well . I play banjo , the triangle , shit on the mic vocals , corn stomping guitar , upright hipster bass , brutal head bobbing electric bass , triple petal drum kit with 26 cymbals , Raynard approved harmonica , super synth , and da leads. All also have a van to put the equipments in.
[May 6,2014 12:53am - Dan Hammer  ""]


Funniest thing I've seen on this board. 10/10.
[May 6,2014 7:41am - real_shutup_fagget ""]

DYA%20is%20UM,%20A%20DUSTY%20WIGHT%20LABIA said:No links because, y'know, those kinds of places don't really take kindly to cameras. If you know what I mean.

shutup fagget
[May 6,2014 7:56am - DYA is ABYSMAL TUTU WHIG AID  ""]
You DO know I mean, then.
[May 6,2014 11:07am - boblovesmusic ""]
I'm in HavaGrind

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