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[Jul 17,2004 10:13am - heimdall ""]
For anyone who has livejournal, I made some community for metal, hardcore, and punk(no not the radio kind)

I soley like metal so right now it seems very metal with me being the only member but feel free if you have a account to join.

its for promoting bands, local and signed, its for finding members maybe for your band as will if you want,and its to unite the three muisc genres toghether and maybe stop all the scenesters from fighting over "metal vs hardcore"

I would have made one for myspace, but the blogging there is alot more foreign to me and seems more blander, not many people blog thier.it seems mostly a promoting place, which is what I use it for.

oh yes my gay ass forgot the name of the community is nordjotunheim

and in other news

my guitarist goes on the fatass diet
[Jul 17,2004 12:24pm - retzam ""]
hahahaha, the fatass diet.
[Jul 18,2004 1:30am - MyDeadDoll ""]
whatever he's eating looks gross
[Jul 18,2004 2:15am - silky ""]
fucking shave!
[Jul 18,2004 5:59pm - Inheritance ""]
That guy scares the fucking hell out of me.
[Jul 18,2004 6:11pm - heimdall ""]
we will shave him tonight I hope, we are all having a slumber party and eating cookies, and drinking tea, and playing with teddy bears
[Jul 18,2004 8:55pm - JellyFish ""]
shave his eyebrows
[Feb 10,2007 3:28am - anonymous  ""]

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