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Crisis @ The Palladium 9/16 with Soulfly and more gay bands

the Palladium (Worcester, Ma) - [crisis][randomshots][soulfly][the_acacia_strain][twelve_tribes]
[Jul 19,2004 9:21am - SUBJUGATE ""]
Thu 9/16 Soulfly / Ill Nino / Crisis / 12 Tribes The Palladium Worcester MA
[Jul 19,2004 9:32am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i haven,t seen crisis since the espresso bar was open............... looks like i wont see them now either
[Jul 19,2004 9:33am - RustedAngel ""]
that's so gay.
[Jul 19,2004 10:26am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Ill Nino, nice fucking name.
They should have called themselves The Sick Boys and been a 77 punk band.
I hope Max Cavellera faces eternal punishment in the afterlife.
[Jul 19,2004 11:58am - Lynneaus ""]

ok i dont care about the other bands but ive been asking if this tour had any chance of making the palladium a few months ago, as crisis used to be one of my favorite bands... and they said they hadnt heard anything about it... it wasnt listed on the calendar saturday when i was at work and no one said anything to me.!!!!!
[Jul 19,2004 12:07pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
it's on the mass concerts web site
[Jul 19,2004 12:10pm - RustedAngel ""]
crisis kind of sucks but has some okay songs that I can listen too. and again, because there is a girl doing growly girly vocals it's a gimmick that still works and probably why after being broken up for years they just happen to get thrown on a big tour like this.
[Jul 19,2004 12:16pm - Lynneaus ""]
RustedAngel said:crisis kind of sucks but has some okay songs that I can listen too. and again, because there is a girl doing growly girly vocals it's a gimmick that still works and probably why after being broken up for years they just happen to get thrown on a big tour like this.

Karyn's vocals are no gimmick... they never have been... they just reccently got signed to The End after dropping metal blade and taking some time off out in CA....which is why they prob got on this tour.

i dont like their new album as much as 8 Convulsions or Deathshead Extermination...but its still a good album.

Gimmick... grr u just pissed me off... you better watch out next show!
[Jul 20,2004 8:31am - SUBJUGATE ""]
crisis is pretty cool i have both cd's and a few live shows on video
[Jul 20,2004 8:46am - RustedAngel ""]
lol, well, her vocals aren't great at all... they are not brutal, angela has more brutal vocals than karen crisis. also, during some parts karen crisis sounds like a female jonathan davis.
[Jul 20,2004 11:21am - cdan ""]
dammit, why is awful band back? that broad on vocals should be executed, Filipino-style.
[Sep 16,2004 5:33pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm leaving now for this.
[Sep 16,2004 5:41pm - RustedAngel ""]
hahahhah have fun gaylord.
[Sep 16,2004 5:47pm - Hooker ""]
that is the worst show I've heard of in quite some time
[Sep 16,2004 6:03pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
the show has the Acacia Strain as an opener so it isnt all that bad, i dig thoes guys. We are rocking in the New Years with them in VT
[Sep 17,2004 1:17am - the_reverend ""]
I'm back.
ill nino didn't play, thankfully,
they are one of the two bands i've shot and not posted pictures of.
[Sep 17,2004 1:19am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading now.
go me@!
[Sep 17,2004 2:28am - the_reverend ""]
the acacia strain: they were added to the bill at the last minute cause of ill nino allegidly getting into fist-t-cuffs with max and exiting the tour quickly. how much of that is true, I don't know... I do know that ill nino is one of the few bands that I've shot and then didn't post the pictures. anyhow, TAS got the opening slot so they only got to bang out 5 songs. 4x4, smoke ya later, and some others. people in the crowd (probably brando) were yelling for BYD songs like "mosh and roll!". while I thought this was hilarious, TAS didn't play them, but it was funny. hey are still looking for a drummers? any takers? just to warn you that you will be following in drum-steps of mark (exBTBAM, current BYD).

twelve tribes: so I went to one dredded event instead of the other. they played a bunch of tracks from the new cd. I didn't realize that there is so many almost rapping parts on the cd. Oh well, it's well done and just on the border of what I can take as far at "rappy"-vocals in hardcore. The screams remind me a bit of BHBS cause they sound great and you can clearly understand everything.

crisis: having never seen then when they were a band back in the 90's, this was my first time seeing them. I'm not really about the new stuff. it's got a lot more cleans in it, but live karyn can't seem or doesn't try to get them to sounds like the cd. on the other side, her growls are much much better live. I noticed a lot of echos on the vocals too.

soulfly: there was a bunch of new songs at first, which I don't really like so.. umm.. I snapped a bunch of pictures and at this point I had to stop and go to one of the side balconies. Some guy behind the stage, sent one of the staff up to tell me to stop shooting so I did. 5 minutes later I was being taking to backstage to explain why I was video taping to someone (who I think was max's wife).. which I wasn't doing. the staff there was very night nice dealing with the people with soulfly, seeing as the soulfly peeps didn't seem to know what was going on. anyhow... they went into some sepultura songs and the "future" of music who I can only assume was max's son came out to sing on the first sepultura song. I was a little bit let down cause the drumming on refuse/resist was just sampled! though brought out some drums for a bunch of people to play, but 2 songs after refuse/resist. guys were pulled from the crowd and 12 tribes and crisis members got up and played drums along with them. they covered nirvana and it was the best song they did that night. though in the middle they tried to get the crowd to chant..good cover none-the-less.
[Sep 17,2004 2:36am - succubus ""]
my horse penis' fault
[Sep 17,2004 3:19am - dneirflrigruoydeliani ""]
so what your saying is it blew the molded beaver. I dig TAC so other then them it loved the cock (in a bad way)
[Sep 17,2004 4:51am - whiskey, weed, and women  ""]
horrible horrible show, oh yeah sorry i didnt mean to laugh at you.
[Sep 17,2004 8:46am - succubus ""]
my horse penis=my huge lens

sweet pics with it

that the beauty of aaron doing this site himself he goes to whatever shows HE wants and he could care less what people think.

[Sep 17,2004 10:04am - the_reverend ""]
and two people bought hoodies, both were palladium staff.
thank you lynne and june.
[Sep 17,2004 10:10am - the_reverend ""]
whiskey, weed, and women said:horrible horrible show, oh yeah sorry i didnt mean to laugh at you.

if you want to laugh, look at the randomshots... I mean seriously, they were so fucking hilarious that i had to post them.
[Sep 17,2004 10:13am - JayTUS ""]
The screams remind me a bit of BHBS cause they sound great and you can clearly understand everything

Which is ironic because Howard is their manager...
[Sep 17,2004 10:14am - JayTUS ""]
Oh yeah and Ill Nino didn't fight Max, their singer got jumped by the guitarist in Soulfly with the backpack who used to be in Ill Nino
[Sep 17,2004 10:16am - succubus ""]
hey jay...thanks for getting the CD's
you can give them to aaron tonight!

[Sep 17,2004 10:17am - JayTUS ""]
Or can I?

Yeah no problems. Not like it took any effort!
[Sep 17,2004 10:18am - succubus ""]
annndddd i helped make an RTTP connection =)
[Sep 17,2004 10:20am - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:and two people bought hoodies, both were palladium staff.
thank you lynne and june.


randomshots! hello?

i forgot to ask you if you sold any...but i was thinking about it

[Sep 17,2004 11:12am - the_rooster ""]
what the fuck is with that guitar player and his stupid backpack. i saw him w/ ill nino at ozzfest and it was the same shit. dork.
[Sep 17,2004 12:32pm - JayTUS ""]
He said that's where the tapes that Ill Nino uses for their live guitars play from...
[Sep 17,2004 12:53pm - dirteecrayon ""]
i'm not a fan of karyn crisis vocals!

i think she should just choose one vocal style and stick with it!
[Sep 17,2004 1:06pm - Lynneaus ""]
i think she is quite diverse... thing i dont get is.. ive heard this argument before and yet from people who like dudes who do brutal and then clean vocals.

[Sep 17,2004 1:07pm - succubus ""]
i think she's cute
[Sep 17,2004 1:15pm - the_reverend ""]
the band is quite diverse...
south american, asian, black, and a woman singer?
the drummers got to be gay to make the circle complete.
[Sep 17,2004 2:19pm - vivi ""]
soulfly should cover down with the sickness
[Sep 17,2004 2:23pm - Lynneaus ""]
vivi said:soulfly should cover down with the sickness

[Sep 17,2004 2:44pm - whiskey, weed, and women  ""]
yeah i was hanging out after the show and the guitar player from Crisis had a shirt on that with a swastika that said "vote republican".
[Nov 9,2004 7:06pm - yurmomzkunt  ""]
die to your persecution
[Nov 9,2004 7:06pm - yurmomzkunt  ""]
die to your persecution
[Nov 9,2004 7:06pm - yurmomzkunt  ""]
die to your persecution
[Nov 9,2004 7:08pm - yurmomzkunt  ""]
die to your persecution all who spoke negative of Crisis. Jealousy is a bitch, i meant a bitch is your mother.
[Nov 9,2004 7:31pm - Hooker ""]
[Nov 15,2004 8:57pm - anonymous  ""]
u heard me do not what me bitch

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