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PS4 or XBOX one?

[Oct 9,2015 3:18pm - the_reverend ""]
Im trying to decide. Ive been sony for life, but the win10 app makes me think about xbox instead. Halp me? The ps4 is $50 less now.
[Oct 9,2015 3:27pm - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF CONSOLES  ""]
[Oct 9,2015 3:42pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Well what games do you want to play?
[Oct 9,2015 6:12pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Oct 10,2015 3:36am - the_reverend ""]
I ended up getting a PS4 for $350 with a $50 gift cert. The only games that I "always play" are elder scrolls, assassins creed, god of war. I know god of war is an exclusive, but I don't like it enough to keep away from a system because of it.
[Oct 12,2015 1:31pm - joeyvsdavidlopan ""]
I just got an Xbone and I'm enjoying it way more than I thought I would. Controller is super comfy. Currently engrossed in The Witcher III with Titanfall as an occasional palette cleanser, though those will probably change when Fallout and Star Wars Battlefront drop.
[Oct 12,2015 10:38pm - the_reverend ""]
that is what I'm waiting for. did you play the beta?
[Oct 13,2015 7:49am - Alx_Casket ""]
Waiting for black Friday video card deals. Not to bash consoles but most of those can be played on pc with added features (mods) and better graphics.
[Oct 13,2015 9:30am - the_reverend ""]
I'm not big on it, but whatever.
[Oct 14,2015 12:55pm - joeyvsdavidlopan ""]

the_reverend said:that is what I'm waiting for. did you play the beta?

I did, they only had a couple modes available (Drop Pod and Walker Assault) and there was limited customization but it's awesome. Drop Pod is alright, defending a pod against evolving waves of enemies. Walker Assault is a lot of fun. I'm really hoping it's available on maps other than Hoth. Vehicle controls were sorta dogshit but I usually feel that way about Battlefield games anyways. You can also grab powerups and spawn as Jedi (same way you can spawn as vehicles), which is fun.
[Oct 14,2015 2:06pm - Elton John  ""]
And all I ever needed was the one
Like freedom fields where wild horses run
When stars collide like you and I
No shadows block the sun
You're all I've ever needed
Baby you're the one
[Oct 14,2015 4:07pm - the_reverend ""]

joeyvsdavidlopan said:
the_reverend said:that is what I'm waiting for. did you play the beta?

I did, they only had a couple modes available (Drop Pod and Walker Assault) and there was limited customization but it's awesome. Drop Pod is alright, defending a pod against evolving waves of enemies. Walker Assault is a lot of fun. I'm really hoping it's available on maps other than Hoth. Vehicle controls were sorta dogshit but I usually feel that way about Battlefield games anyways. You can also grab powerups and spawn as Jedi (same way you can spawn as vehicles), which is fun.

I didn't respawn as anything but myself. It was a cool beta. Towards the end, it was glitching a lot.

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