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-l- Metal Drummer -l-

[Jul 24,2004 12:50pm - AlisterFiend ""]
Metal drummer...influences- Emperor, Death, Mercyful fate, Motely Crue, KISS, Venom, Marduk, Rush etc.... have a practice space in Boston...interested email UnsilentMassacre@yahoo.com
[Oct 1,2004 12:31am - christbomb ""]
I'm a guitarist from boston the bands you desribed are fucking good If you want to jam and try to start something e-mail me at twizttidsk8er@aol.com
[Oct 1,2004 9:25am - Christraper ""]
[Oct 1,2004 9:49am - litacore ""]
watch everyone POUNCE!
[Oct 1,2004 10:07am - the_reverend ""]
i remember when this guy posted.
I'm shokec that no one picked him up...
[Oct 1,2004 10:08am - litacore ""]
someone may have. I just realized this is pretty old (in internet time anyhoo)
[Oct 1,2004 10:09am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
[Oct 1,2004 10:18am - Christraper ""]
Devon is good people. I havent heard him play yet but hes got good taste in music and hes been playing for awhile. If we didnt already have a drummer id have snatched him up by now.
[Oct 1,2004 10:31am - Hooker ""]
asshole, you email him yet?
[Oct 1,2004 10:42am - attendmyrequiem ""]
ohhh this is devon? i wanted to talk to him
[Oct 1,2004 10:52am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
[Oct 1,2004 10:53am - Hooker ""]

[Oct 1,2004 10:56am - Christraper ""]
[Oct 1,2004 12:33pm - pigfucker  ""]
this kid is the best drummer in new england. no contest. no one even comes close.
[Oct 1,2004 12:50pm - Hooker ""]
can we get a link to an mp3 or something then?
[Oct 1,2004 5:35pm - AlisterFiend ""]
yeh i have mp3's, email me - unsilentmassacre@yahoo.com
[Oct 1,2004 5:38pm - AlisterFiend ""]
also if anyone knows any bass players...im looking for one
[Oct 2,2004 9:13am - WhyamIandasshole at home  ""]
I emailed you yesterday, but I'll email you again.
[Oct 2,2004 6:06pm - whiskey, weed, and women  ""]
yeah i emailed you...several times you asked about our schedule haven't heard back from you..what's up with that
[Oct 2,2004 6:15pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I play giutar but I kinda suck. But I'd still like to fuck around. Hail Satan!

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