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[Dec 4,2015 7:04pm - townie persecutor  ""]
Talk about tickerts and bump the SWA thread until somebody gives a shit about Dumpster Fire about it, fagget
[Dec 5,2015 9:08am - Jan Michael Vincent  ""]
[Dec 5,2015 1:09pm - Dumpster Truths  ""]
[Dec 5,2015 2:12pm - Jan Michael Vincent  ""]

Dumpster%20Truths said:[img]

someone's got a hurt butt :bartmoon:
[Dec 5,2015 3:25pm - OldNews  ""]
That shitty Candiria cover band supports nu metal??? Color me shocked.
[Dec 5,2015 11:35pm - the_reverend ""]
I still don't get it
[Dec 6,2015 4:04am - Hoser ""]
I just got a brand new laptop and that SWA thread crashes the web page.
[Dec 7,2015 12:10pm - the_reverend ""]
hah! use the mobile version. there is pagination there.
[Dec 7,2015 12:11pm - the_reverend ""]
and I thought this had something to do with the MT issues.
[Dec 7,2015 12:42pm - The truth  ""]
Dumpster Fire is crybaby
[Dec 7,2015 3:49pm - Battle Vest Warrior  ""]
Elitists only at Kotex Obscrotum Thursdays.
[Dec 7,2015 4:14pm - Chumpster Fire  ""]
Getting punked out by MT Chris. LOL.
[Dec 12,2015 6:12pm - Miller Whore  ""]
No one cares about a bunch of fat retards called Dumpster Fire
[Dec 12,2015 7:52pm - Sean Michael Rocks!  ""]
[Dec 13,2015 6:09pm - Oz of wizard  ""]
The wicked witch of the west put an end to Dumpster Fire muhahahahaaaa
[Dec 13,2015 9:27pm - Dit toe  ""]
This explains Dumpster Fire: (bunch of fat retards)
[Dec 14,2015 11:53am - Sully's a fucking thief  ""]
Took my $ and ran. Left me high and dry. Never doing that again....
[Dec 15,2015 8:51am - Relevant poster  ""]
[Dec 16,2015 7:25pm - Burnie Madoff  ""]
I used to be in this band and they are really boring and terrible now. They probably only got a guitarist just to to be able to say they have one, as they make him play the same simple power chord in all the songs because the keyboardist wants to get all the attention. Either that or he just can't really play. I saw some of the clips from the Ralph's Diner show and it was really, really boring and I couldn't even watch it was so annoying. The vocals suck bad now just a big whining jerkface and the stage setup was same ol same old and the outfit the singer wore was embarrassing and retarded! really sad. But whatever, I guess they are only doing it because they like it so I just say let em' if it makes them so happy.
[Dec 17,2015 11:20am - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
grilled dickcheese sandwich owes me $18!
[Dec 18,2015 7:15pm - Not Fake  ""]
whats up with the shit where dumpster fire were patted on the back for bashing on stillwell angel and now everybody is dumping on them. this board is a fickle mistress. they'll eat you alive, baby.
[Dec 18,2015 10:07pm - Troller tot  ""]

Not%20Fake said:whats up with the shit where dumpster fire were patted on the back for bashing on stillwell angel and now everybody is dumping on them. this board is a fickle mistress. they'll eat you alive, baby.

Never happened. Just another Dwyer bullshit.
[Dec 18,2015 11:42pm - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF CROM  ""]
Fags picking on weaker fags only to show they are all shitty fags that shall bow before the mighty CROM!
[Dec 18,2015 11:45pm - WHO THE FUCK  ""]
who the fuck keeps bumping this non-issue. far as i can see, any issues were communicated and dissolved. dumpster fire is great. now shut up.
[Dec 22,2015 1:45pm - Cumdumpster Liar  ""]
[Dec 22,2015 8:15pm - Dump her fan  ""]
What about tickets? No talk about tickets???

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