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[Jul 28,2004 3:07pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Jul 28,2004 3:08pm - Jellyfish ""]
[Jul 28,2004 3:10pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Jul 28,2004 3:20pm - RustedAngel ""]
horns up for a white ibanez with ivy on the fretboard? hmmmmmmm

my dream guitars:




just a few
[Jul 28,2004 4:01pm - dyingmuse ""]

i have the dk1 and the rr1
[Jul 28,2004 4:05pm - dyingmuse ""]
how do i actually copy the pic from their site?
[Jul 28,2004 4:14pm - powerkok ""]
find the pic url by right clicking on the pic and going to properties.
paste the actual picture url into the message body, highlight it and click 'image'
[Jul 28,2004 4:14pm - powerkok ""]
ra that v is SIIIICKKKK is that a bc? gawd damn
[Jul 28,2004 4:15pm - powerkok ""]
oh and btw....im a little disapointed in your choice of dream guitars including the phil collin jackson!!!
[Jul 28,2004 4:17pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
swamplorddvm said:[img]

that guitar sucks so bad. ever play on one? so unbalanced and goofy.



and this bass... is so fucking amazing, played on one before, never wanted to put it down, even after playing on it for about 2 hours.

[Jul 28,2004 4:22pm - RustedAngel ""]
powerkok said:oh and btw....im a little disapointed in your choice of dream guitars including the phil collin jackson!!!

I had a chance to grab a caparison on ebay but I didn't take it. Next time I will not pass it up.

dude the PC-1 is sick!! it's fuckin gorgeous! Though it's something i'd get when I'm too old to play shows.

The V is made by the original BC rich owner I think, or his son... Bernie Rico Jr Guitars... the guitar players of exodus have a couple custom jobs.

[Jul 28,2004 4:23pm - powerkok ""]



these are mine exactly.

I want either a desert camo jackson kelly, or a widow headstock king v.
[Jul 28,2004 4:25pm - powerkok ""]
fuckin right spalding....beasts are a major PAIN to play...and fuckin forget playing it sitting down...youll impale your leg or worse, nutbag.
[Jul 28,2004 4:26pm - RustedAngel ""]
desert camo, ewww gross KOK... *pukes all over genitals*
[Jul 28,2004 4:29pm - powerkok ""]
ra....ya they are gorgeous woods, but the jackson strat shape is ass IMO.
too much like a regular strat, with the rounded edges. and im not a fan of gold hardware. Im sure they play nice, and youre right, it has 'old guy' written all over it.
[Jul 28,2004 4:34pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i think the PC-1 has a blues/jazz/prog-rock type of look to it.
[Jul 28,2004 4:57pm - Christraper ""]
RustedAngel said:

my dream guitars:


just a few

Andy LaRoque from King Diamond plays a Caparison Horus now. Any idea how much one of those guitars goes for?

[Jul 28,2004 5:02pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Jul 28,2004 5:03pm - dyingmuse ""]
yeah thats my dream guitar and i have one. i dont think ill ever need another. my paint is way better though
[Jul 28,2004 5:44pm - Kalopsia ""]
i love my spector

but some other goodies are:
[Jul 28,2004 6:01pm - BornSoVile ""]
hmm. I'm dying for a Randy Rhodes V. I'd like to acquire a Jackson Warrior too. I talked with Ryan Regas the other day about getting a custom Ragas V Bass, which would be pissah.
that's just the 3d model he has so far. one piece mahogany.
[Jul 28,2004 6:08pm - swamplorddvm ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:swamplorddvm said:[img]

that guitar sucks so bad. ever play on one? so unbalanced and goofy.



and this bass... is so fucking amazing, played on one before, never wanted to put it down, even after playing on it for about 2 hours.

Actualy yes I have. Just played one today. I find them (the neck at least) to be very comforable and easy to play. I love it.

[Jul 28,2004 9:21pm - dyingmuse ""]
it looks very uncomfortable.
however the jackson warrio is ver comfortable. i recommend one of those instead. my brother has the 93 neckthrough of that guitar and that...is pissa
[Jul 28,2004 9:44pm - joe-W.S.T.A. ""]

o yes, a gibson thru a marshall amp
[Jul 29,2004 3:21pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Jul 29,2004 3:24pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Jul 29,2004 3:30pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Jul 29,2004 3:58pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I wish I could afford it.
[Jul 29,2004 4:05pm - dyingmuse ""]
WOW THATS THE ZELDA NINTENDO JACKSON. THATS FUCKIN AWESOME I ALWAYS WANTED THAT ONE. so is the skull soloist yours? i like that one too. is that a s1? usa?
[Jul 29,2004 4:19pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Jul 29,2004 5:41pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
RustedAngel said:

dude... i want that, so i can go on stage and play death metal with it.

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