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Bi-Monthly Alien Check

[Dec 12,2017 9:05am - susurrate ""]
[Dec 12,2017 3:40pm - grandmotherweb ""]
wonder what kind of music they're into...
[Dec 12,2017 7:01pm - susurrate ""]
[Dec 12,2017 7:32pm - grandmotherweb ""]
oof, I read the comments.

don't read the comments.
[Dec 12,2017 11:16pm - heat heat hot  ""]
must be nice to be so powerful to create beings and let them abuse and kill each other for 10s of thousands of years.

Our god is a caring god and forgives all.....

Only the dead know the true meaning.
[Dec 14,2017 3:15pm - grandmotherweb ""]

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