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sup suckas...im back and I have hcn shirts

[Aug 7,2004 5:33pm - powerkok ""]
ok I only have 2 or 3 left, but I do have them....I am about to get stupidly drunk and wash away the filth from being in dirtydelphia.

I also think a law needs to be passed making it legal for me to just kill shitty drivers.
[Aug 7,2004 5:53pm - hoser ""]
hey moron why dont you just come up here!! I'll drink with ya!!
[Aug 7,2004 6:11pm - iFuck ""]
hey hoser, you clean out yer cat box yet? hahahaha... sorry bout that! lol
[Aug 7,2004 6:35pm - dyingmuse ""]
whats the damage? i want one!

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