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21 years ago today EXCEED CLUB 121 BROCKTON MA 7/3/98

[Jul 3,2019 7:53am - METALJIM ""]
21 years ago today

The one and only time we played Club 121 and they absolutely fucking HATED us!!
i remember one of the other bands posting some shit about us on a message board a few days later.

we were promoting our new demo tape at the time "Visions Of Malice"


1. I turned Into A Martian (MISTFITS cover song) *this was our sound check song*
2. Divide And Conquer
3. Lust
4. Victory (BIOHAZARD cover song)
5. Slim And None
6. Blood In My Eyes
7. Systematic Elimination

all in all we played a solid set, i sometimes wonder if we had played SLAYER'S Mandatory Suicide if that would have went over better than the BIOHAZARD cover but we were playing a hardcore show so we made our set list geared towards that kinda crowd. anyway it was kind of a fail but we had a good time and that's all that matters in the end.

with my EXCEED brothers
Jake Doyle - Bass
Kevin Fitzgerald - Guitar
Mike Butkiewicz - Drums
Randy Carter - Vocals
Jim Ash - Guitar


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