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fuck i cant sleep

[Aug 11,2004 12:43am - dyingmuse ""]
i had 3 hours sleep last night after the show.
then got up at 7 and worked in the cunting sun hung over all day
and im still up!!!! thats it im going to bed. maybe ill jerk off, :whipper:and think about hoser
[Aug 11,2004 12:44am - the_reverend ""]
same here, except I slept 2 hours on sunday night too.
[Aug 11,2004 12:45am - dyingmuse ""]
thats it im really going to sleep damn it!!!!! i have to work at 7

see whoever goes to the show tommorrow, tommorrow!!!!!!!
[Aug 11,2004 12:45am - the_reverend ""]
sorry, 3 hours.
[Aug 11,2004 12:45am - Abbath ""]
i think rttp has the most people on a site in the world that have sleeping problems
i'm just happy i've found other people that share the same fate as me
[Aug 11,2004 12:45am - the_reverend ""]
by that, you mean jerking off?
[Aug 11,2004 12:46am - hoser ""]
to my image?
[Aug 11,2004 12:53am - dyingmuse ""]
[Aug 11,2004 12:54am - retzam ""]
Hoser is purty
[Aug 11,2004 12:56am - dyingmuse ""]
he sure does have a purdy mouth
[Aug 11,2004 12:56am - Josh_hates_you ""]
sleep is lame anyways
[Aug 11,2004 12:57am - the_reverend ""]
I hear it's for the weak.
I just craved protein so I had a couple veggie patties.
I'm thinking of eating a pound of tofu next.
[Aug 11,2004 12:57am - dyingmuse ""]
ok im out....really. i was going to go to sleep then i had to watch the lions. that was pretty bad assed. but yeah, im sleeping.
[Aug 11,2004 12:59am - powerkok ""]
I havent slept normally for like 5 or 6 years now.
see, I was bitten by a radioactive bat..........
[Aug 11,2004 1:00am - powerkok ""]
rev eat a damn chili dog or a fat greasy burger...yummy.
[Aug 11,2004 1:01am - powerkok ""]
eat something that had a face.
[Aug 11,2004 1:02am - succubus ""]
when i crave protein..the rev feeds me

but i gotta say..eating this late makes people gain weight

[Aug 11,2004 1:02am - succubus ""]
oh and if you can't sleep jerk it until you fall asleep
[Aug 11,2004 1:02am - the_reverend ""]
sorry, I'm anti-face...
nothing gayer than looking up and seeing a guys face looking down at you.
[Aug 11,2004 1:03am - succubus ""]
anti face? should i be too?
[Aug 11,2004 1:07am - powerkok ""]
ya but its not gay if ya dont look down...or if the fleshlight is already in.
[Aug 11,2004 1:12am - the_reverend ""]
some day, I'm going to buy a fleshlight.
[Aug 11,2004 1:14am - powerkok ""]
[Aug 11,2004 1:15am - succubus ""]
i have a fleshlight!
[Aug 11,2004 1:15am - Abbath ""]
dyingmuse said:ok im out....really. i was going to go to sleep then i had to watch the lions. that was pretty bad assed. but yeah, im sleeping.

i watched that god damn video 6 times already it's so fucking cool!
but all what it's doing is pumping me up

ya i did the dirty so i'm getting sleepy now too
[Aug 11,2004 4:47am - MyDeadDoll ""]
it's almost two here and i'm tired from work, but i can't sleep. seems i can't sleep much at all lately.
[Aug 12,2004 7:21am - Korpse-l- ""]
sometimes i can't wait to die. just because i know i'll be in an eternal sleep. ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz
[Aug 12,2004 10:04am - dyingmuse ""]
yayeee eternal sleep sounds cool
[Aug 12,2004 10:17am - Korpse-l- ""]
[Aug 12,2004 10:22am - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha! wish i could sleep again.
im up again damn it.
[Aug 12,2004 11:26am - JoeDavolla ""]
I skipped out on work today because I went to bed at 3AM and had to be up by 6AM.I need a job where I dont have to start work til at least noon time.Im not a morning person.
[Aug 12,2004 11:29am - JoeDavolla ""]
Can anyone here relate to me when it comes to having nightmares? I have them at least 3-4 times a week.

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