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I am absolutely dead serious: Who wants to get together and record an album of video game cover songs?

[Aug 18,2004 8:35am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
I have always believe that game music has the greatest and most memorable melodies ever so i was just thinking "i want to hear what these songs would sound like, played by real instruments, in a metal kind of way, without butchering the song of course..."

so yes, I am in the market for:
a guitarist (or two... but since it would be an album, i only need one... but two would be sick because i owuld love to play atleast one live show)
drummer (you must be able to play power metal style galloping double bass and the likes, although i have a drummer in mind...)
and most importantly... a SYNTH player. yes, i NEED a synth player in order to retain that video game feel and atmosphere... plus driving synth lines fucking rule.

so please... anyone that would be interested in getting together to practice about 40-50 minutes worth of video game music, for an album (which i have a studio to record at) please get in touch with me somehow

email = spalding138@yahoo.com
AIM = scaldinspaldin
[Aug 18,2004 9:06am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
also... the album is going to be 70% megaman2/megaman X1,2,4,5,6 music
[Aug 18,2004 9:36am - christraper ""]
ill do anything from castlevania
[Aug 18,2004 10:11am - Blue ""]
ill buy every cd.
[Aug 18,2004 10:30am - the_reverend ""]
I'm addicted to r00tage now you fagg0t
[Aug 18,2004 10:52am - Josh_hates_you ""]
hmmmm how many video game songs did phantomas cover?
[Aug 18,2004 10:54am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
Already done

[Aug 18,2004 12:09pm - retzam ""]
Right now I'm downloading Megaman 2, Ninja Gaiden, the live video of Megaman 2, and the live audio for Ninja Gaiden.
[Aug 18,2004 12:14pm - retzam ""]
Whoa, the Ninja Gaiden one is awesome.
[Aug 18,2004 12:19pm - retzam ""]
Whoa man!! Airman is in the Megaman 2 one. I've always wanted to hear instruments do this.
[Aug 18,2004 12:20pm - retzam ""]
Fuck, at the part where it goes crazy they just kind of make instrument noise.
[Aug 18,2004 12:22pm - retzam ""]
Now Bubbleman.
[Aug 18,2004 12:22pm - retzam ""]
[Aug 18,2004 12:24pm - retzam ""]
Boss music
[Aug 18,2004 12:24pm - retzam ""]
[Aug 18,2004 12:25pm - retzam ""]
Wily stage select
[Aug 18,2004 12:25pm - retzam ""]
Wily level
[Aug 18,2004 12:26pm - retzam ""]
End theme
[Aug 18,2004 12:34pm - retzam ""]
Wow, my 12th uninterrupted post. Almost makes me feel special.
[Aug 18,2004 6:39pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
WhyamIandasshole said:Already done


no... it hasnt... the minibosses are mediocre and their drummer blows as well as their bassist having the shittiest bass tone ever. they also play all of the songs in the same tempo... i mean... wily stage 1 from MM2 is like half the speed it is in the game. i want to do a true to the original METAL cover of music... and not even just NES... genesis, SNES, playstation, ps2, saturn, dreamcast, neogeo... blah blah blah... i hate all of these game bands only doing nintendo. fuck them.
[Aug 18,2004 6:41pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
oh... and mm2 wily stages 3-5 would sound nasty with real instruments.
[Aug 18,2004 8:40pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
if you think you could compete with these guys....

[Aug 18,2004 8:59pm - moran ""]
I wish I was a better guitarist, I would totally do it.
[Aug 18,2004 9:02pm - Blue ""]
NESkimos are cool, but they got a horrible guitar sound.
[Aug 18,2004 9:05pm - My_Dying_Bride ""]
anybody ever heard of a game called river city randsom for NES, that was a bad ass game and it had a sick soudtrack!
[Aug 18,2004 11:46pm - iren_the_viking ""]
[Aug 18,2004 11:49pm - iren_the_viking ""]
I would love to cover the contra theme from the original, castlevania and megaman tunes would be sick too

i'm down for it irentheviking@yahoo.com
[Aug 19,2004 12:02am - retzam ""]
My_Dying_Bride said:anybody ever heard of a game called river city randsom for NES, that was a bad ass game and it had a sick soudtrack!

Yes!! That game is really really awesome, but it does get old. However, yes, the soundtrack is great, I especially like the song for the boss fights.
[Aug 19,2004 7:29am - Korpse-l- ""]
i have this clip of this japanese guy doing some sick mario guitar but i can't figure out how to post it?
[Aug 19,2004 7:59am - bwahrtrons  ""]
well if you think about it dragonforce is the original video game metal band, they say "we started playing together because of video game music the melodies kicked ass so we drew infleuence from that.
[Aug 19,2004 10:40am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:WhyamIandasshole said:Already done


no... it hasnt... the minibosses are mediocre and their drummer blows as well as their bassist having the shittiest bass tone ever. they also play all of the songs in the same tempo... i mean... wily stage 1 from MM2 is like half the speed it is in the game. i want to do a true to the original METAL cover of music... and not even just NES... genesis, SNES, playstation, ps2, saturn, dreamcast, neogeo... blah blah blah... i hate all of these game bands only doing nintendo. fuck them.

I dont know man, that a tough argument to make. I saw them at the Middle East this year and they blew me away.

[Aug 19,2004 12:27pm - swamplorddvm ""]
If I didn't suck so much at guitar I would.
[Aug 19,2004 12:41pm - retzam ""]
Korpse-l- said:i have this clip of this japanese guy doing some sick mario guitar but i can't figure out how to post it?

[Aug 19,2004 7:21pm - ieatpeople4god@library  ""]
shaniqua is way down we've been practicing "dear mario this is your brother luigi" lyrics= "mario is a fucking cunt, mario is a fucking slut..." it's a medley of all the songs from SMB 1,2,and 3. drums, keyboards, guitars. weve also got metroid, kid icarus, dragon warrior, ghosts and goblins, zelda 1 & 2 plus many more. check out "estradasphere" they do the jazz fusion video game covers.
[Aug 19,2004 9:08pm - cdan ""]
[Aug 20,2004 2:26am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i have a jazz fusion arranged soundtrack of megaman X... its so amazing because you can barely tell what songs are what unless you are a true game music nerd.

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