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The Joe Appreciation Thread

[Aug 18,2004 3:08pm - retzam ""]
This board would be empty without your wonderful comments!
[Aug 18,2004 3:09pm - succubus ""]
joe who?
[Aug 18,2004 3:10pm - Blue ""]
i would only hope its for that mcnamara guy.
[Aug 18,2004 3:12pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Oh! Me name is McNamara,
I'm the leader of the band.
Although we're few in numbers
We're the finest in the land.
We play at the weddings
And at ev'ry fancy ball,
And when we play to funerals
We play the march from Saul.

Oh! The drums go bang,
And the crystals clang,
And the horns they blaze away;
McCarthy pumps the old bassoon
While I the pipes do play;
And Hennessey Tennessee tootles the flute,
And the music is somethin' grand;
A credit to old Ireland is McNamara's band.
Oh! My name is Uncle Yulius and
From Sweden have I come,
To play with McNamara's band
And bear the big bass drum,
And when I march along the street
The ladies think I'm grand
They shout "There's Uncle Yulius
Playing with an Irish band"
Oh! I wear a bunch of shamrocks
And a uniform of green,
And I'm the funniest looking Swede
That you have ever seen.
There's O'Briens and Ryans
And Sheehans and Meehans
They come from Ireland, but by Yimminy
I'm the only Swede in McNamara's band.
Oh! The drums go bang,
And the crystals clang,
And the horns they blaze away;
McCarthy pumps the old bassoon
While I the pipes do play;
And Hennessey Tennessee tootles the flute,
And the music is somethin' grand;
A credit to old Ireland is McNamara's band.
[Aug 18,2004 3:14pm - succubus ""]
i appreciate the McNamara
if he can't do it
no one can!
[Aug 18,2004 3:15pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Thanks everyone.
[Aug 18,2004 3:18pm - retzam ""]
[Jul 19,2005 11:17pm - eddienli  ""]
[Jul 19,2005 11:18pm - Dissector ""]
Joe's the one who books all those metalcore shows right?
[Jul 19,2005 11:19pm - blue ""]
yeah, hes totally brought our scene down to a new low.
[Jul 19,2005 11:21pm - Dissector ""]
I heard the real reason why he's going on "hiatus" is because he's taking the fortune he made from shows and moving to Aruba.
[Jul 19,2005 11:39pm - xsuffocationx  ""]
[Jul 19,2005 11:46pm - dreadkill ""]
joe rules. i've lost an ally in my losing war against the devildriver effect. good luck with everything joe. i hope to see you post just as many disparaging comments toward metalcore even though your'e not going to be as active as before.
[Jul 19,2005 11:57pm - xsuffocationx  ""]
still hahahahahahahahahah
[Jul 19,2005 11:57pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I know another joe Mcnamara. he doesn't like metal. he's a computer programmer.
[Jul 20,2005 12:10am - brian_dc ""]
joe mcnamara...well that's notacommon name at all....ouch

no seriously, if so many people hate you, you must be worth appreciating

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