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new mp3's

[Mar 15,2003 2:16pm - v1olenc3 ""]
New Invocation Of Nehek mp3's


check them out, feed back and hate is much appreciated.
[Mar 16,2003 12:52pm - TomNehek ""]
I hate us!
[Mar 16,2003 7:34pm - v1olenc3 ""]
38 views and no one has any feedback, snide remarks, shit talking, nothing?? whats happening to this board.
[Mar 16,2003 8:14pm - the_reverend ""]
tom works now so he's not here as much to cut people down.
I've been home sleeping all weekend trying to get rid of my cold.
I will listen tomorrow.
[Mar 16,2003 8:21pm - RustedAngel ""]
arron, do you need me to bring over some soup honey?
[Mar 16,2003 10:17pm - the_reverend ""]
heh, look, you didn't put out tuesday so forget it.
it's over
[Mar 19,2003 4:21pm - TomNehek ""]
[Mar 21,2003 4:57pm - the_reverend ""]
well, I don't know how you could do a couple tracks without stealing any tears of avarel riffs.

anyhow, the productions pretty good, but the volume's a little quiet. Invocation of Nehek always impresses me because they mix different styles together, death metal, metalcore, psych tech guitar work bridges, and the layering of robb and steve's guitars. I also think the other rob's vocals are so much better. They are so much more defined. I would say if anyone like the new haunted, you will like invocations.


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