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the ravening bio

[Aug 25,2004 1:36pm - dyingmuse ""]
this is an all new band that i started with the morgion guys out in california. they just emailed me the first bio for the website. the website should be done by the end of next month or so!
tell me what you all think of the bio, i though it was pretty bad assed!
the guys will be out here in nov sometime and we were planning on playig a few shows here in ne when they get here. ill be going out there for rehersals in september, so ill keep everyone updated!

The Ravening Harmonium in Verse

In the beginning… there were four, the four behind the great tide of the world and the masters of all that lay behind them. Great is their reckoning, a stain upon the souls of man… the practitioners of woe in hymn, The Ravening.

This is their hymnal… this is their testament… this is only the beginning.

Dan Robinson, mastermind behind the Symphonic Iliad of Shroud of Bereavement… the purveyor of doom upon the New England commune, a composer of both guitar and voice… synth and percussion… a talent unparalleled by age or reason.

Ron Slater, a one man musical soliloquy from SoCal artists… Nepenthean & Season of the Witch… the up in coming artist of the funeral guitar arts and web spinning… the key to all the darkest hymnals within The Ravening… a new face among an old tradition.

Justin Christian, upon the winds of progression doth he ride… the five strings of low fidelity and harmonic balance. Displaying his talents among the SoCal arts commune and to later mandate his hymns to Legendary Doom Druids… Morgion.

Rhett A. Davis, taskmaster behind the SoCal Doom of Morgion… the pulse of both audio assault and battery. The scribe of ink and quill, word and phrase… within the tomes of myth and legend he does claim dominion.

Attaining the tempest to the arts of Bolt Thrower, Candlemass, Celtic Frost, Grave, and Mercyful Fate… a crusade to the metal gospels of death and doom… prepare for the end to all things known and unknown… prepare for the harbingers of doom and ruin…

…you have been forewarned.

Grim Tidings,

Rhett A. Davis
[Aug 25,2004 1:38pm - powerkok ""]
nice, dan.....look fwd to seeing this band in NE!!
[Aug 25,2004 2:56pm - dyingmuse ""]
if all goes well. it should be cool! i just got art files for the cd cover
[Aug 25,2004 3:35pm - dyingmuse ""]
he just emailed me and said to think of the narrator of conan reading it. this guy wrote all of morgion's lyrics too, so he's way out there...lol
[Aug 25,2004 9:29pm - thornnvine ""]
i'm scared
[Aug 25,2004 10:05pm - dyingmuse ""]
im stoked man! the music is bad assed. its cool to just do something totally different, its a good release.
i have been on overload for like 3 years, good to get new ideas out

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