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Matafuck_Uprise @ Apr 9,2012 3:59pm
dont make a hijack on my new posts. it makes you look so fuckin stupid you kid. in my country we will smash your ass into a dirt grind. bye you little baby kid. be a asshole to some otrher man. i hate soem of you elite american scums,.
BigRed @ Nov 24,2010 5:14pm
Sounds good, i'll talk to the other guys and get back to you asap.
Kilgore @ Nov 9,2009 2:45pm
are you guys down to play this saturday? let me know and i'll add you to the sweet flyer i made.

Yeti @ Oct 27,2009 3:30pm
usual plan? or is practice later? i don't know how many minutes are left on my phone, just in case.

Yeti @ Sep 30,2009 7:50am
i think we should stick with the plan of taking the Green Line from Riverside. making it to the 5:45 out of West Natick would be near impossible, you'd have to be here at exactly 5:30, and where we'd be leaving the car is a 10 minute walk to the station. no matter what we do we're going to be delayed, but Riverside seems like the best idea.

Alexecutioner @ Aug 23,2009 11:49am
hey man, im guessin you still dont have ur phone back, you available monday or tuesday for practice?
dreadkill @ Mar 21,2009 12:15pm
hey tom,

sorry i'm getting this to you so much later than i said i would. check out these bands and see if you'd want any of them to replace pathogenic: rohirrim, the pathos of clymnaestra, avariel, misery divine (not sure if they'd be ready to play since they are working in a new drummer), eternal embrace. if i can think of more, i'll let you know. other bands i had thought of either don't have enough members now to play shows or are already playing shows that day.
TheDeathdealer @ Nov 22,2008 6:38pm
the accursedvokillist is dead. there is only me know haha.
by the way i might have a bass player for Fenrir.
FuckIsMySignature @ Oct 26,2008 12:30pm
great thanks!
TheAccursedVokillist @ Sep 17,2008 12:23pm
whats up with the stoner rock band?
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