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Profiles stuff: user links
91.3FM WUNH - (26253) the radio station I work at
Aaron's Portfolio - (13549) my portfolio online
Buzznet for RTTP - (11723)
Cyber Nations - (12033) my own country
Deviant Art - (15078) these are non-metal pictures.
Digital Product Review - (21348) a place to look at digital camera review things.
Ebola Records - (14141) a dumb idea record label I started in 1997 or 98.
Facebook - Personal - (14143)
Facebook - RTTP - (13886)
Hallhouse.net - (17645) my old college dorm
Jivanna.com - (15594) the site of pictures for the little girl I babysite.
My Lastfm page - (10940)
RTTP on Myspace - (14955) just a place to put up more dumb things
Slick Deals - (14574) this is a place that I find an new daily deal on just about anything.
UNH Webmail - (18782) my web-mail for UNH
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