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Jim from Nunslaughter is probably going to die @ Oct 7,2015 9:12pm
AFTER THE BURIAL Guitarist Quits life. RIP @ Jul 23,2015 8:22pm
Eating Cheetos in Mom's Basement is more fun than playing shitty fests @ Jun 23,2015 6:55pm
Sat: June 13th 2015, Deceased 30th Anniversary show w/ Desolate, Composted, Blessed Offal, and Fuming Mouth @ Ralphs in Worcester MA. @ Jun 14,2015 2:31pm
Sat: June 13th 2015, Deceased 30th Anniversary show w/ Desolate, Composted, Blessed Offal, and Fuming Mouth @ Ralphs in Worcester MA. @ Jun 14,2015 2:26pm
Sepultura / Destruction / Arsis / CSDO show in Manchester, NH canceled. @ May 31,2015 1:16pm
Hivesmasher, the finale @ May 30,2015 9:19am
NASA discovers new planet covered with marijuana @ May 28,2015 12:10am
D.R.I. playing four shows: MA, CT, RI @ May 27,2015 9:21pm
Maryland Death Fest 2015 - MDF XIII - day three @ May 27,2015 8:46am
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