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An open letter to that dumb cunt Dr. Laura

[Jul 10,2006 11:03am - HailTheLeaf ""]
Come on, lots of Christians believe in angels, why not zombies, goblins, elves, and the tooth fairy?
[Jul 10,2006 12:06pm - ShadowSD ""]
"Zombie eat brains, but even zombie cannot swallow this injustice"
[Jul 10,2006 12:16pm - ShadowSD ""]
Josh Martin NLI said:But, by definition, if you are a christian, you believe that Jesus rose from the dead. I don't believe in zombies myself and find it rather ridiculous.

There are some benefits... only a Christian would find The Night of The Living Dead to be an uplifting parable.

[Jul 10,2006 12:19pm - ShadowSD ""]
On another note, I wonder whether or not they believe Christ stank when he rose from the dead. After all, with all the maggots, worms, and parasites consuming his rotting flesh, how could he not? What's the explanation - emaculate consumption?

You keep your smelly savior to yourself.

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