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Top 3 Grindcore bands

[Jan 4,2006 5:50pm - dwellingsickness ""]
MikeGore said:Remember? Who could forget?

Exactly....Although there are alot of youngins on this board:NEWHORNS:

Oh yea and my 3 would be...

Flesh Parade
Fist Fuck
[Jan 4,2006 6:49pm - wade on a GOOD computer (not his)  ""]
fuckin Flesh Parade...

my new top 3:

Brutal FUCKING Truth
Flesh Parade
[Jan 4,2006 6:50pm - wade on a GOOD computer (not his)  ""]
3 is too few..

[Jan 4,2006 7:23pm - cav  ""]
your a bad joke
[Jan 4,2006 7:24pm - the_reverend ""]
# 12 is not grindcore, THEY ARE NU-GRIND.

comparing them, daughters, etc.. to terrorizer or napalm death is like comparing the original metalcore bands (the accused) with modern day metalcore (unearth).

same words different meaning.
[Jan 5,2006 12:17am - TheWrldCanWait ""]
"Nu-Grind"...I've never even heard of that...Did you make that up and think we wouldn't notice? You sneaky bastard!

Naw, I know what you mean exactly...
[Jan 5,2006 5:56am - Messerschmitt ""]
This one's tough...
Flesh Parade / Blood Fucking Duster / Exit 13 (from the Hedmale split)
Nasum / A.C. / Terrorizer / Birdflesh / Siege / Kill The Client
Pig Destroyer / Rotten Sound / Repulsion / Phobia
[Jan 5,2006 8:57am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
The Accused aren't metalcore, they are crossover.
[Jan 5,2006 3:06pm - vesgore ""]
[Jan 5,2006 3:31pm - Dissector ""]
MikeGore said:Remember? Who could forget?

I never forgot.
[Jan 5,2006 4:45pm - contagion ""]
fuck im dead
the red chord

in no order.

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