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National Girlfriends and Sister Week

[Jun 16,2005 3:02pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
i wouldnt wanna be a guy, cause then i would have to deal with chics like me.>:]
[Jun 16,2005 3:04pm - Hooker ""]
[Jun 16,2005 3:49pm - Josh_Martin ""]
Ma_Dukes said:do guys really think shaved is that sexy???

Its not so much that shaved is sexy, it has more to do with unshaved being totally UNsexy.
I can deal with pubes on the mound of the cunt, but hair on the liips is fucking nasty. I cuold deal wih it if I had to but no way am I eating out a chick with hairy pussy lips and someone told me that girls really like oral sex.
If I wanted hairy genitals I'd go gay.

[Jun 16,2005 4:07pm - Hooker ""]
At least have a little patch. Nothing too tremendous. I don't want to feel like I'm reaching into a diaper.
[Jun 16,2005 4:10pm - RustedAngel ""]
Hooker said:At least have a little patch. Nothing too tremendous. I don't want to feel like I'm reaching into a diaper.


I don't mind whatever, as long as it's either shaved or at least trimmed down it doesn't matter. Just as long as the entrance to that hole isn't cock blocked we're all set. hahahaha.
[Jun 16,2005 5:05pm - yodaslab  ""]
hopefully its not prickly when i make my way down there cuz nothing says loving like a vagina cheek burn the next day, its like making out with a sea urchin
[Jun 16,2005 5:12pm - Hooker ""]
yeah but my facial hair isn't smooth so if she's got some protection against the chin burn, more power to her.
[Jun 16,2005 6:08pm - MaDukes  ""]
ah man.......
[Aug 11,2005 4:23pm - anonymous  ""]
well my new bf asked me if its shaved down der bt i dnt know wt 2 say, i mean its not exactly the amazon forest dwn der , i shave around the vagina lips cz if i shave da whole fing off its really gna itch soo much, i dno wt 2 do or wt 2 say , plz help (guys dnt take da picc)
[Aug 11,2005 4:27pm - davefromthegrave ""]
anonymous said:well my new bf asked me if its shaved down der bt i dnt know wt 2 say, i mean its not exactly the amazon forest dwn der , i shave around the vagina lips cz if i shave da whole fing off its really gna itch soo much, i dno wt 2 do or wt 2 say , plz help (guys dnt take da picc)

I suggest learning how to type.
[Aug 11,2005 4:39pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
just a trim lady.
[Aug 11,2005 4:40pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
davefromthegrave said:anonymous said:well my new bf asked me if its shaved down der bt i dnt know wt 2 say, i mean its not exactly the amazon forest dwn der , i shave around the vagina lips cz if i shave da whole fing off its really gna itch soo much, i dno wt 2 do or wt 2 say , plz help (guys dnt take da picc)

I suggest learning how to type.


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