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[Sep 16,2010 4:38pm - the_reverend ""]
Sitting here alone
[Sep 16,2010 4:41pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

the_reverend said:[img]
talk about a nightmare
[Dec 13,2010 9:54pm - immortal13 ""]
Just finished watching this tonight. Awesome movie, just really, really long. Action was intense, especially the 3rd Rock dude's no gravity fight scene. Darse choke in zero gravity=win. My only complaint is at the end. I dunno if I missed something, but with his thing still spinning and then it looks like it just might fall, but then they cut out, it seems to me that they want you to draw your own conclusion. Either way, great movie, will watch again to get a better understanding of it.
[Dec 13,2010 9:59pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
huge blockbusters have been lackluster lately, was this all super cgi-action fuck fest with no plot? I just watched Transformers 2 and wanted to kill myself at how much it sucked. and did they really have blackface robots?
[Dec 13,2010 10:04pm - immortal13 ""]
No, this movie really wasn't too much CGI at all, other than when they kept shape shifting the worlds and shit. The plot was pretty awesome, but really confusing and hard to follow at times. I'd recommend it.
[Jan 2,2011 10:47pm - Slag NLI  ""]
Best soundtrack in a long time. Really effective ambient/electro dramaticismsmssms
[Jan 3,2011 2:33am - slar you morbid?  ""]

Conservationist said:
arilliusbm said:it's a deep movie, filled with philosophical aspects that make you qestion reality, somewhat like the matrix.

I will be certain to skip it then. The Matrix insults the intelligence of any biped.

Funny, i recently found the time to get around to watching this, and i can see how people would make the obvious matrix analogy, but other than having the subjective nature of reality as a major theme, i think inception is totally different, and IMHO, a LOT better. To review it succinctly, i would say that when a movie that toys with perception and reality can engage me with its plot to the point where i can suspend disbelief of some of the more outrageous plot devices (how do they dream in groups and why is everyones dream perfectly realisitic? why doesnt leo di caprios wife become a multi headed dragon spewing forth maple syrup while his mother watches fanning herself with a palm leaf to the sound of wagners tristan und isolde played backwards?)
...then i consider it a cinematic home run. As for the matrix, even the first one which was sorta good i kept getting pissed off why i wasnt given a proper explanation of why you had to die when you died in what was in essence a dream that you could wake up from.
[Jan 3,2011 3:50am - Pires ""]

immortal13 said: I dunno if I missed something, but with his thing still spinning and then it looks like it just might fall, but then they cut out, it seems to me that they want you to draw your conclusion.

Cliffhanger prepping the sequel is my bet
[Jan 3,2011 12:07pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
bump because the dude died today, still need to see this movie
[Jan 22,2011 11:12am - sethrich ""]
[Jan 22,2011 2:50pm - eye-gore ""]
Just watched this last night. Great movie, though, what is it w/ Leo Decaprio and movies where he has little to no grip on reality lately ? (shutter island also a good movie)
[Jan 22,2011 2:56pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Jan 22,2011 6:41pm - Paul CNV  ""]
Movie sucked.... Over rated hollywood shit
[Jan 23,2011 4:03am - poopshit  ""]
[Feb 12,2011 5:49pm - timma ""]
Finally just saw this. First movie since the Usual Suspects in which my first words when the credits started to roll were "wait...what?!"
[Mar 9,2011 6:38pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 9,2011 6:40pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 9,2011 6:43pm - Slag NLI  ""]

Slag%20NLI said:Best soundtrack in a long time. Really effective ambient/electro dramaticismsmssms
[Mar 9,2011 6:48pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 9,2011 6:48pm - BlessedOffal ""]
This was one of those movies that I talked to my friends pseudo-intellectual art-school grad-student hipster ex girlfriend about, and basically said "of COURSE you loved inception."
[Mar 9,2011 6:49pm - BlessedOffal ""]
also, the xzibit in DYAs post right before my last is LUL
[Mar 9,2011 6:50pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 9,2011 6:54pm - aaron_michael ""]
the slew of Inception memes that came out after the movie are full of win.
[Mar 9,2011 7:28pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[Mar 9,2011 7:45pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 9,2011 7:52pm - reimroc ""]
I can't halp in laughing at your images.
[Mar 12,2011 11:38am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 12,2011 11:38am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 12,2011 11:39am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 12,2011 11:57am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 12,2011 12:07pm - immortal13 ""]
So then I was like, fuck your shit, I'm walking up this wall.
[Mar 12,2011 12:08pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Mar 12,2011 12:22pm - RustyPS ""]
Inception memes = the greatest

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