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[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to pam nli.
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[QUOTE="pam%20nli:338900"]Suicide Dream would have played right after us, except Laurel was the only one who showed up. Apparently Casey overslept, I'm not sure what happened to Shadow but I know he was doing sound later on. Too bad, I would have like to see them, but I was happy enough to see Laurel. Shroud get their set cut because they take approx. 100 years to set up...because they have approx 100 members. The Accursed lost a bunch of their set because of it, which sucked. So that basically sucked for everyone, Shroud and The Accursed. They need some hopped-up roadies or something. I am in soooo much pain. I thought I was going to die for a good three hours at the show, so I missed a LOT of bands, including Inflicted...which sucked. But when my vision started blurring and I couldn't swallow without crying like a pansy, I had to go pass out in the car with a mouthful of Motrin. From what I did see, that girl fronted punk band was fun, I really liked the girls voice. Coffin Birth was awesome, I had the pleasure of sharing a stage with them twice this weekend. Anthony is sure to have my superaids by sunrise. The Accursed killed. Hypersolid was actually pretty awesome, I remember them being nu-metalish...in fact I have one of their CD's. I don't want them to take this the wrong way, but somewhere down the line they got pretty awesome. Reminded me of Nevermore, kinda. Nice guys, too. Anyone else I saw I wasn't really into. Lot of stuff that really wasn't my style. Actually there was one band on the main stage that was pretty good but I don't remember their name. I wish I caught Green Evening Requiem, but I was in a coma in the car. I heard from Jon that Forever's Fallen Grace was awesome too. Anyway I'm gonna try and sleep through the horrible pain (waaahhhh, I know) So for everyone that used that mic after me, I'm sorry for the SARS, Superaids, and strep throat. Three hours of dying aside it was a good time! Always good to see you rev, funny how the last time you took pictures of me I was in a wedding dress and lookin pretty and this time I was half dead and looking horrible. I feel deflowered now, I've had my RTTP band photo cherry popped. ...you took it easy on me, only a few HORRIBLE pictures of me...but what did George do to you? lol. [/QUOTE]
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