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[Aug 13,2004 2:34am - powerkok ""]
last night some fucking scumbags made a comment to my friend while he was outside by himself. they were 4 hispanics in a slowly passing car that called my friend a faggot. he kept walking knowing he was outnumbered, which was the right thing to do, and I would have done the same.
'you in the army pants' they say....well fact is, that guy in the army pants, is actually a U.S. Marine, who fought overseas, protecting these absolute peices of shit, and their freedom that they do sooo much with.

I sometimes wish that this country wasnt as civilized as it is, and it would not be looked twice at, if these peices of cunt were mowed down with hollowpoints in the very car they sat in. I, for one, would only feel relief, knowing there were less heathens in my immediate vicinity. Is that wrong?

Freedom isnt free...that may be true, but freedom isnt valued is more like it. Get a job and some responsibility you welfare collecting shitheaps.
May a cleansing flood drown you and yours, and let the current drag you under far enough that we dont smell your rotting carcass.
that is all..............for now.
[Aug 13,2004 2:42am - retzam ""]
"Freedom isnt free...that may be true, but freedom isnt valued is more like it."

I completely agree, but I don't understand your mention of the marines fighting overseas to protect hispanics???
[Aug 13,2004 2:45am - powerkok ""]
no, the marines are fighting overseas to protect EVERYBODY. even scumbags.
I just said they were Hispanic to paint the picture, nothing to do with race.
[Aug 13,2004 2:52am - ArrowHead ""]
Unless he was engaged in some backyard warfare, the camo pants weren't really neccesary, were they? If you wear, do, preach, or drive something different from the norm you should be prepared to get shit for it. I don't care if he's a marine, or Jesus Christ, or my mom.

Instead of being so upset about having to live with such shitbags in our society, people need to start using douches like those four kids as a reference point, and appreciating how lucky we are to be so much more culturally adept.

Once we learn to appreciate that, then I say we just kill all the mexicans.
[Aug 13,2004 2:57am - MyDeadDoll ""]
except me, please don't kill me. i'd appreciate it.

but, i'd have to agree, i'd be a little pissed off, but i'd just ignore it knowing that i'm better than that. they'll get theirs i'm sure.
[Aug 13,2004 2:59am - powerkok ""]
I already know im culturally adept. I dont have to be thankful, because I made myself that way, its not something youre born with, so lets just skip to the part where we start cleaning...
Youre double standarding yourself by saying that whole thing then sayin kill the mexicans....
NO we dont kill the mexicans...just garbage, if they happen to be mex, white, black, whatever, then too bad. They die.
[Aug 13,2004 3:02am - MyDeadDoll ""]
just kill all the stupid asses that come across the boarder and shit on the floors at work. that would make me happy. =)
[Aug 13,2004 3:03am - powerkok ""]
they shit on the floors? where do u work?
[Aug 13,2004 3:13am - MyDeadDoll ""]

yeah, i got lots of stories.
[Aug 13,2004 3:19am - ArrowHead ""]
powerkok said:
Youre double standarding yourself by saying that whole thing then sayin kill the mexicans....

Man, you don't get sarcasm, eh?

I'm a social elitest. I don't really give a shit about race. If you can't carry your own weight without burdening others, you die. Simple enough solution.

[Aug 13,2004 3:25am - MyDeadDoll ""]
uh oh, i smell a rttp argument coming on.
[Aug 13,2004 3:44am - ArrowHead ""]
ArrowHead said:powerkok said:
Youre double standarding yourself by saying that whole thing then sayin kill the mexicans....

Man, you don't get sarcasm, eh?

. If YOU can't carry YOU own weight without burdening others, YOU die.

That's not aimed at powerkok. It's the plural form, meant towards any member of society in general.

[Aug 13,2004 3:48am - Jellyfish ""]
MyDeadDoll said:Target.

yeah, i got lots of stories.

just applied there yesterday.
[Aug 13,2004 4:14am - MyDeadDoll ""]
i hate the politics of retail, but it's an alright job. i love the people i work with. we're all a bunch of dorks.
[Aug 13,2004 7:02am - armageddonday ""]
I get more shit by white trash than by Mexican/South American...well in Providence anyway.
The marines thing, not for nothing but nobody but the US gvt sent them there. Irak people never asked for help, as far as I know...
[Aug 13,2004 11:04am - Korpse-l- ""]
everybody's so affraid to be classified as racist these days. i don't give a shit. screw'em, close the godamn boarders and shoot'm with a 30-6 if they try getting accross. there's no place for them here. that gets me pissed they had the balls to even say anything to your friend no matter what the the hell he's wearing. they have no right. probably can't speak english. And I hate when they screw up my coffee.:gun:
[Aug 13,2004 11:06am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I love this guy.
[Aug 13,2004 11:09am - vivi ""]
dude ok i dont get that. because they were spanish and spoke spanish they are imigrants? i was in a 'boys home' where pretty much everyone i lived with was spanish. they were all assholes til i got to know em and then they were somewhat cool even though some people are just cunts from birth. the point was - they all spoke spanish and had 'dark skin' but id say almost all of them were 2nd to 3rd generation meaning they were born in this country. most spanish families teach their kids to speak the language. which makes sense..greek people do the same thing... so closing the borders doesnt really do anything. i guess we can shoot everyone we dont like. but if that was the case im pretty sure my 7th grade teacher would have shot me in the face (which would have been awesome)
[Aug 13,2004 11:09am - hoser ""]
Hey Korpse yer alright man.....

No wcome to the Bombshelter tomorrow night and see bands rock.
[Aug 13,2004 11:17am - Korpse-l- ""]
never been to the bombshelter. where is it? i'll deffinatley come check out a show there sometime but tomorrow i'm going to see decapitated. should be a sick show. wish it was downstairs though.
[Aug 13,2004 11:22am - RustedAngel ""]
Korpse-l- said:never been to the bombshelter. where is it? i'll deffinatley come check out a show there sometime but tomorrow i'm going to see decapitated. should be a sick show. wish it was downstairs though.

[Aug 13,2004 11:24am - Korpse-l- ""]
do you know something i don't? if you do let me know. alright?

Tickets $10.00 adv., $12.00 door

The Black Dahlia Murder
Cattle Decapitation / Goatwhore
Decapitated / Watch Them Die
Doors Open at: 7:00 PM
Show Starts at: 7:30 PM
[Aug 13,2004 11:26am - vivi ""]
yeah dude they dropped off a while ago
[Aug 13,2004 11:27am - RustedAngel ""]
[Aug 13,2004 11:30am - Korpse-l- ""]
why is it still on the fuck'n palladium website? that f'n blows! Christ on a Crotch!!! what the fuck!!! i already bought my tic too! it will still be a good show but i already saw the other bands. i'm gonna go jump off a f'n bridge.
[Aug 13,2004 11:32am - vivi ""]
im goin to see cattle decap and goatwhore..never heard bdm but i hear their like an at the gates ripoff or some shit
[Aug 13,2004 11:33am - Dissector ""]
powerkok said:last night some fucking scumbags made a comment to my friend while he was outside by himself. they were 4 hispanics in a slowly passing car that called my friend a faggot. he kept walking knowing he was outnumbered, which was the right thing to do, and I would have done the same.
'you in the army pants' they say....well fact is, that guy in the army pants, is actually a U.S. Marine, who fought overseas, protecting these absolute peices of shit, and their freedom that they do sooo much with.

I sometimes wish that this country wasnt as civilized as it is, and it would not be looked twice at, if these peices of cunt were mowed down with hollowpoints in the very car they sat in. I, for one, would only feel relief, knowing there were less heathens in my immediate vicinity. Is that wrong?

Freedom isnt free...that may be true, but freedom isnt valued is more like it. Get a job and some responsibility you welfare collecting shitheaps.
May a cleansing flood drown you and yours, and let the current drag you under far enough that we dont smell your rotting carcass.
that is all..............for now.

Bravo. I agree.
[Aug 13,2004 11:34am - Korpse-l- ""]
well... thanks for the update anyways man.
[Aug 13,2004 11:37am - RustedAngel ""]
Korpse-l- said:why is it still on the fuck'n palladium website? that f'n blows! Christ on a Crotch!!! what the fuck!!! i already bought my tic too! it will still be a good show but i already saw the other bands. i'm gonna go jump off a f'n bridge.

please E-mail: MassMediaGirl@aol.com and PalladiumEmail@aol.com

and tell them they suck ass and you want a refund for false advertising.
[Aug 13,2004 11:43am - dyingmuse ""]
yeah go to the bomb shelta!!!!

better bands imho
[Aug 13,2004 11:54am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
in a sick sick sick way, it's probably best to acknowledge the beauty of living in a country where, despite how bad they were trying to make your friend feel, at least they have the right to say whatever they want. I don't know if that makes sense, but what I'm trying to say is that these guys being lame shitheads proves that your friend's work wasn't in vain, that people still do have the right to speak their minds, no matter how fucking stupid their thoughts might be.

It's just a weird way of getting the chance to see that. If we look at what this country is, how it works and where it came from, yes, those hispanic dudes, 50 years ago, wouldn't have enjoyed the priviledges they have now to drive around and make fun of dudes in the military. They probably would have been lynched or somethin'.

I do not support military nor military activity, HOWEVER I also am VERY against hurting or harassing military personelle because I understand how much they have to go through. Some of my friends are military, marines, too, actually, and I respect the burden they take on, but also respect that they believe in what they do. Just cause I don't support war, violence, or coercive solution, does not mean I am in the "good" to go and hurt these people emotionally. It would probably be hypocritical on my part, to be honest.

In the end, the men and women of the armed forces are just doing what they think will make the world what they want it to be. Can't knock that, even if you -are- anti-military. And making fun of people you don't know from a car is the LAMEST FUCKING thing. What the fuck? What do you do when the car breaksdown or you hit a red light? Hide like the loser you is? EXACTLY.

[Aug 13,2004 11:58am - RustedAngel ""]
some people actually want to be in the military, I would think about it if I wasn't such a pussy. I'll just stick to FPS games. I'd much rather have trained military protecting us over here than no one at all.
[Aug 13,2004 1:02pm - powerkok ""]
wow, I like these posts...yes 30-06, at the borders, no im not racist, tho I play one on tv, I do agree with war, I dont think we should still be in iraq.
To clear things up, this guy wasnt in iraq, it was Blackhawk down era, Somalia.
To save bullets, id barbed wire them together like the nazis did, and shoot them thru the mouth into the back of the other guys head.

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