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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to the_taste_of_cigarettes.
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[QUOTE="the_taste_of_cigarettes:112467"]in a sick sick sick way, it's probably best to acknowledge the beauty of living in a country where, despite how bad they were trying to make your friend feel, at least they have the right to say whatever they want. I don't know if that makes sense, but what I'm trying to say is that these guys being lame shitheads proves that your friend's work wasn't in vain, that people still do have the right to speak their minds, no matter how fucking stupid their thoughts might be. It's just a weird way of getting the chance to see that. If we look at what this country is, how it works and where it came from, yes, those hispanic dudes, 50 years ago, wouldn't have enjoyed the priviledges they have now to drive around and make fun of dudes in the military. They probably would have been lynched or somethin'. I do not support military nor military activity, HOWEVER I also am VERY against hurting or harassing military personelle because I understand how much they have to go through. Some of my friends are military, marines, too, actually, and I respect the burden they take on, but also respect that they believe in what they do. Just cause I don't support war, violence, or coercive solution, does not mean I am in the "good" to go and hurt these people emotionally. It would probably be hypocritical on my part, to be honest. In the end, the men and women of the armed forces are just doing what they think will make the world what they want it to be. Can't knock that, even if you -are- anti-military. And making fun of people you don't know from a car is the LAMEST FUCKING thing. What the fuck? What do you do when the car breaksdown or you hit a red light? Hide like the loser you is? EXACTLY. [/QUOTE]
Vers. 0.12
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