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Profiles stuff: message board posts
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Posts: 40 to 49
Carina's Cat is stupid!!!! @ May 12,2007 11:48am
So...why are you guys still paying for gas? @ May 11,2007 7:49pm
So...why are you guys still paying for gas? @ May 11,2007 7:45pm
ATTN: Vegetarian Nutjobs! Vegan couple sentenced to life in prison after death of malnourished baby! @ May 10,2007 6:32pm
Kurdish Girl Gets Stoned to Death for Dating a Sunni Muslim @ May 10,2007 6:23pm
Republican Debate -- Evolution? @ May 6,2007 8:32pm
New MACHINE HEAD...thoughts? @ May 6,2007 8:25pm
Republican Debate -- Evolution? @ May 6,2007 12:17pm
New MACHINE HEAD...thoughts? @ May 6,2007 12:11pm
I just saw a family of ducks trying to cross rt. 146 get run over by an 18 wheeler... @ May 5,2007 9:26pm
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